Not trolling. Genuinely curious. What about this character do you love? (If you do love his character.) I write on occasion and would love to learn what makes a character (a mass murderer no less) so loved. Was it just the fact he was easy on the eye and had a wry sense of humour? Is he like Dexter in those respects? Thoughts?
Not me. I didn't really notice him until he cut his hair. That scene in the store where he first shows up with his hair cut was a reverse Samson moment for me. lol
Haven't been by in a while. With time passed, I will say that I believe the lasting legacy of this show will be Eric Northman, played by Alexander Skarsgard. He is who people will remember the most, partly because he was the best character on the show and partly because Alex is a star among actors. Best character and best actor are a hard combo to overcome.
Although Eric is incredibly good looking, imo, his looks are just frosting on the cake. When I first started watching this show, I thought he was hot, but I didn't like him or trust him. He seemed cold and calculating, and didn't seem to care about anything other than his own wants. I actually liked Bill more (though his relationship with Sookie never entertained me that much)
But as the series progressed, I got to see that there was a lot more to him than that. Season 3 is probably my favorite because that's when Eric's true colors really started to show. He doesn't love often, but he loves very deeply when he does and he's extremely loyal to those he cares for. And he is ruthless, but rarely is he malicious without reason. I get annoyed at season 6 & 7 because I feel he did a lot of things that were out of character of the guy I spent five seasons getting to know.
I get annoyed at season 6 & 7 because I feel he did a lot of things that were out of character of the guy I spent five seasons getting to know
That is because, beginning around 6:04, his character was deliberately assassinated by the team that brought you Bill the Underground Railroad hero. It was subtle at first but it steamrolled until Eric ended up as a corporate whore [where before he had tons of cash stashed away and didn't really care that much about money anyway] who owned and pimped out an imprisoned slave. [where before it was Bill who 'procured' humans against their will in order to profit from their unwilling blood 'donations']
I wonder how folks can't see what happened here. It's blatantly obvious.
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I know I and a lot of other fans saw it because we were tracking it for just this kind of thing. There were warning flags all over S6 after Hudis stepped down ,candcBuckner took over from the dropped story lines ,the pulling of Billith's teeth, reducing Sookie from a heoinevready to murder Warlow to a simpering dolt in the service of the males' story arcs( Warlow,Alcide and Bill) Eric turning Willa in some stupid idealistic last hope to reach Burrell etc.etc. It was like a litany of how to deconstruct a show and it's main characters,all to reassemble them in favor of Bill Compton. However many viewers watched casually every week just tuning in and accepting what they saw. It was not until the train actually crashed into the wall and they witnessed the damage that they became aware that something had gone horribly wrong.