MovieChat Forums > True Blood (2008) Discussion > Be a little more courteous in your post ...

Be a little more courteous in your post topics?

I know the show is over, but it only ended two years ago. Wanting to post a topic or two discussing the first few seasons shouldn't mean I have to know that Jason and Jessica get together (meaning Hoyt and her long term ends) and more importantly that Terry dies. Weretigers, Tara becoming a vampire and I guess "dying twice", Tommy dying, and Terry dying, all things I'm guessing are surprises in the series. All ruined for me ahead of time because I read posts that were only labeled originally to be about things from the first season or two, or a particular character. Have the good sense to at least put a spoiler tag. I'm writing this calmly, but make no mistake, I am *beep* PISSED these massive surprising moments and new plots are ruined for me. Don't *beep* do this to someone else.


To me it seems discourteous to expect people to not talk freely about what they have watched.


OOOh, I love this soapbox. I think I'll start by stating the obvious. Well, yelling the obvious.


So yes others do it. It is a fact of life. People cheat on their spouses too, that doesn't make it right.

1) The IMBD boards are to discuss shows, so they attract many people who are watching the show for the first time years after the show airs. You know this, everyone knows this. So when you put spoilers in thread titles, you are intentionally ruining the discussion for all of the newbs. Don't pretend otherwise.

2) It is easy, and occasionally fun, to choose a thread title that gets the point across to attract others interested in your spoliery subject, but not give the game away. and it is super easy to put "SPOLIERS:" in your thread title. To not do this is just lazy and stupid.

3) THREAD TITLES ARE VISIBLE on the main page and in user profiles. So people get spoiled even without going to the boards page. So don't use the "they had it coming" excuse. What just so that you can be lazy in your titles, no one should look up an actress on the entire database?!

I understand. Thank you for telling me. -The masked bandit


Unfortunately you just did it to me. :(


You shouldn't be on these boards until you've seen the show in it's entirety to avoid spoilers. You did this to yourself unfortunately.

"A man chooses. A slave obeys."


as a rule of thumb, i dont come here unless ive seen everything. only recently i got into Sons of Anarchy and refused point blank to come onto IMDB until i finished the series. Same with Supernatural, Im a series behind everyone else and therefore dont go onto the board.

and honestly i dont even get your anger, you have a post on here asking for spoilers - so you only ask for spoilers you want but get annoyed when you hear spoilers you dont want? what kind of *beep* up logic is that? If you dont want spoilers, stay off the board

No power in the verse can stop me
