MovieChat Forums > True Blood (2008) Discussion > Be a little more courteous in your post ...

Be a little more courteous in your post topics?

I know the show is over, but it only ended two years ago. Wanting to post a topic or two discussing the first few seasons shouldn't mean I have to know that Jason and Jessica get together (meaning Hoyt and her long term ends) and more importantly that Terry dies. Weretigers, Tara becoming a vampire and I guess "dying twice", Tommy dying, and Terry dying, all things I'm guessing are surprises in the series. All ruined for me ahead of time because I read posts that were only labeled originally to be about things from the first season or two, or a particular character. Have the good sense to at least put a spoiler tag. I'm writing this calmly, but make no mistake, I am *beep* PISSED these massive surprising moments and new plots are ruined for me. Don't *beep* do this to someone else.


The show is over and season 1 was 8yrs ago. That's long enough for people to not cater to those who just got into the show after it's over.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers


Season 1 was eight years ago but season 7 was only two years ago. You don't have to cater but you don't have to be dicks and post late-show surprises on threads about the first or second season or post people's deaths in thread titles.


IMO, spoilers are fair game after the shows air. It is on you to remain spoiler free.


^This. I've been in the same boat as the OP many times. I frequently start watching popular shows right after the entire series is finished or with shows that have already aired multiple seasons. I know if I choose to visit a message board for a show before I've caught up with everyone else that I have only myself to blame for any spoilers I see. I avoided looking at the board for Westworld until I'd watched all the episodes precisely for that reason. You can't stop anyone from posting spoilers, especially for shows that have ended already, but you can choose to remain spoiler free by avoiding message boards until you've finished the whole series.

I know I'm a vampire, Snookie.


I have watched shows that were off the air, or for example I am just starting Westworld. I have learned long ago. Watch the full series before you go on message boards about a show. The series is over, it is you that should be more courteous.


alexaw9. On another topic board on this page. Didn't you ask questions what happened to some of the characters? And didn't you say that you didn't mind if they're were spoilers?

If so. You can't have it both way.

And on anther page you ask what happens to Jessica and Hoyt. I said keep watching. But you wanted to know what happened.

I don't mind that you're a new viewer that's late to the show. But it's just like the new viewers that just found Breaking Bad. They get upset when something is spoiled to them. The shows been done for a few years now. Not everyone is going to stay quiet to let new viewers to catch up.


The internet is full of spoilers. IMDB is like the #1 place to go if you wanna have something spoiled. I'm literally caught up on Shameless and watch it live and I still have to watch out for spoilers! The people on that forum know what's happening 3-4 episodes ahead of the current one. I'm sorry you got spoiled, but the internet isn't going to be courteous in any way, let alone just to keep you spoiler free. You can always start a spoiler free Facebook group for any show you watch. That way you can discuss things with others who are watching it for the first time. Start each post with - for example - S04E06, so people know not to discuss anything beyond that in your post and people who aren't there yet know not to read it. Beyond that, there's nothing you can do.


I started asking for spoilers once a bunch already got spoiled for me. I don't want it both ways. I wanted it all to be a surprise. But I figured 'screw it' once I knew some of it and the show had gotten so bad that I needed more information to figure out if I wanted to continue with it.

Why are there so many posts on here that say the exact same thing? I get it by now. I got it after one or two posts. You don't have to be jerks. I get it, I shouldn't have gone on the message boards before I finished the series, it's on me.


I'm only seeing one jerk here, tbh.


Ooh, you got me there. Nice one!

Because taking personal responsibility instead of continuing to blame you all is such a jerky thing to do.

Speaking of ... I think I'm going to get some beef jerky.


lol I'd ask how old you are but I don't care.


Lol, that IS funny!


I look at it this way-In real life if you didn't want something from a tv show or movie spoiled would you specifically seek out a conversation about said movie or tv show and expect people to cater to you? I really don't see why a message board is any different.


You should've been around this board during the first two seasons of True Blood when people were crying about book spoilers so you could learn what a reasonable "please don't spoil me" request looks like.

And, since the topic is spoilers, maybe you should've used spoiler tags throughout your post to hide all the stuff you (purposely?) spoiled for other people instead of using the old "vague topic title detailed spoilers in first post" trick.


...Trick? Seriously?


But, I don't think it possible that anyone would come on a topic about spoilers, titled so, without expecting the posts to talk about spoilers.

I have a feeling saying that will cause you to respond 'then you shouldn't come on THIS board without expecting posts to talk about spoilers', yet I already admitted that these responses were correct and I should have been more responsible, so I'm not sure what you're trying to do except troll maybe.


I had no idea by the title of your post that it was about spoilers or contained spoilers. It is probably obvious to you but only because you knew what you were writing about. I just started watching season 3 and thought the title of your post was safe for me to read because it was about inconsiderate posters which made me curious. I read it because it didn't involve show topics and thought it was safe to read because I'm avoiding spoilers. Unfortunately I just got a bunch of spoilers and I'm now unhappy for the very reason you are posting. If you can edit your post topic please do. Thank you.


And I'm not trying to fight or have unpleasant conversations so just please stop.


Obviously ;)


Please stop!


If that's the case, then reserve coming on here for when you want to ask a question, then make your post without looking at other posts, and specify in yours that you're not caught up yet.


RIGHT! Post SPOILERS. Ruining it for others!

Someone's at the door
