MovieChat Forums > The Darjeeling Limited (2007) Discussion > Your Favourite Wes Anderson film?

Your Favourite Wes Anderson film?

Wes Anderson is an unique director, and I´ll make a recap of all of his films, giving my personal grade of each and every one of them. Pick your favourite:

1) Bottlerocket ***: Not bad for being his first project. I loved the cast and the story, very original and funny. Even though it´s an excellent picture, it´s not his best. But still, a must-see.

2) Rushmore ****1/2: My gosh I loved this movie. Made me laugh from beggining to end. Jason Schwartzman and Bill Murray were just great! Perfect combination of comedy and romance.

3) The Royal Tenenbaums *****: Anderson´s masterpiece. Every character can make a whole film by itself, but Wes decided to combine them into a hilarious disfunctional family. You can almost identify with at least one of them. Absolutely fantastic.

4) The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou ***1/2: Very nice indeed. What´s worth of this film is the excellent use of the music, the great acting, the originality of the story and the tribute to Jacques Custeau. Worth watching.

5) The Darjeeling Limited ****1/2: Simple, but yet breathe taking. The force and the message of this film is quite strong. In my opinion, the runner-up (tied with Rushmore).

Well, now tell me which is your favourite and why.
(P.S.: I´m sorry if my English is not very good, I´m from Mexico)


Unfortunately Ive only seen 3.

1) The Royal Tenenbaums
2) Darjeeling Limited
3) Rushmore


The Royal Tennenbaums--Grade: A+
Bottle Rocket--Grade: A+
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou--Grade A-
Rushmore--Grade: B+
The Darjeeling Limited--Grade: B-

Wes Anderson is easily one of the most creative and unique American filmmakers working today...haven't seen The Fantastic Mr. Fox, but I'm looking forward to it

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...


The Life Aquatic - A+ (in my top 10 films)
Rushmore - A
Fantastic Mr. Fox - A-
Darjeeling Limited - A-
Royal Tenenbaums - B+
Bottle Rocket - B


1.) Darjeeling Limited
2.) Hotel Chevalier

Those are the only two good Wes Anderson movies I've seen. Life Aquatic and The Royal Tenenbaums are both equally bad.


Fantastic Mr. Fox
Darjeeling Limited
Royal Tenenbaums
Bottle Rocket


1. "The Royal Tenenbaums" (the first WA picture I saw and it was brilliant. I couldn't believe it took me nine years to see, excellent.)

2. "The Darjeeling Limited" (probably the best written Anderson film. Unbelievable characters, and to me it very much hit home. Had a hard time putting this second but I think tenebaums beats it slightly.)

3. "Rushmore" (funniest of the bunch. I loved the quirkiness of it and the Schwartzman and murray were perfect together.)

4 "Fantastic Mr. Fox" (all around success in my book. All the characters were great, it was funny, and the look of the film was superb.)

5. "Bottle Rocket" (I thought there were moments that were excellent and I thought the Wilson brothers were amazing but overall the story was weaker and I don't belive it looked as fresh as the other pictures.)

6. "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" (Honestly I couldn't see what everybody thought was so great about this. The music and the look of the film was great but I thought the story was boring and too similar to Rushmore, I didn't get the humor and I thought Murry whom I usually love was very one-dimensional. Like Bottle Rocket, it did have some nice moments, but overall this one fell flat for me.)


The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
The Royal Tenenbaums
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Darjeeling Limited
Bottle Rocket

I love all these films so much


The Royal Tenenbaums
The Darjeeling Limited
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Bottle Rocket

I'm a fan of all of them but definitely award preferential treatment towards Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums. Surprisingly, The Darjeeling Limited, the one I felt weakest on my first viewing has become one of my favourites in the last couple years, it's probably the one I watch the most. Life Aquatic is probably his funniest and has a great performance from Murray. Fantastic Mr. Fox and Bottle Rocket I enjoy, but I don't feel the need to rewatch them all that often.



1.Life aquatic
2.Darjeeling Limited
4.Royal Tennenbaums

They are all great movies though.


1. Royal Tenenbaums
2. Darjeeling Limited
3. Fantastic Mr. Fox
4. Life Aquatic
5. Bottlerocket
6. Rushmore

I think Rushmore is incredibly overrated and the only movie of his I didn't really like that much but that's just me.

reply aquatic < love this movie
2.darjeeling limited and royal tenenbaums


1. The Royal Tenenbaums (One of my all time favorite films)
2. The Darjeeling Limited
3. Rushmore
4. The Life Aquatic
5. Fantastic Mr. Fox

Haven't seen Bottle Rocket or Moonrise Kingdom yet though so not sure where they'd factor in. I'm a huge, huge Wes Anderson fan, one of the best directors of all time imo. Love every single one of his movies so far.


absolutely love Wes Anderson films. The imagery, the music, the storytelling, I love it all.

1. Royal Tenenbaums - When Paltrow walks off the bus to "These Days" is probably my favorite moment in all the movies I have ever seen.

2. Rushmore - Bill Murray, exquisite. When he freaks on the boys in the car, and the elevator scene.

3. The Darjeeling Limited - Fantastic use of music and imagery. A very Beautiful movie.

4. Bottle Rocket - One of the best freshman movies ever.

5. The Life Aquatic - One of the quirkiest movies I'v ever seen.

Now 4 and 5 are movies I do like very much, it's just in the pantheon of Anderson's movies they are not as good as the first 3. Still great movies, and I feel bad putting them at the bottom of any list!

Have not yet seen Moonrise Kingdom, but hope to very soon.


Moonrise Kingdom
The Life Aquatic
The Royal Tenenbaums
The Darjeeling Limited
Bottle Rocket


1. Rushmore
2. Bottle Rocket
3. The Darjeeling Limited
4. The Royal Tenenbaums
5. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Moonrise Kingdom has been the only Anderson movie I didn't like in the sense that I felt empty while watching it, couldn't relate to anything in the movie.


1. Rushmore
2. Fantastic Mr. Fox
3. Moonrise Kingdom
4. The Royal Tenenbaums
5. Bottle Rocket
6. The Darjeeling Limited
7. The Life Aquatic..


The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.


Yup, I guess Wes Anderson is like certain other directors who stand out, and is slightly odd, i.e. you either love him or hate him. I love all his movies but in order of preference:

1. The Royal Tennenbaums
2. Moonrise Kingdom
3. The Darjeeling Limited
4. Rushmore
5. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
6. The Fantastic Mr. Fox
7. Bottle Rocket
