MovieChat Forums > The Darjeeling Limited (2007) Discussion > Your Favourite Wes Anderson film?

Your Favourite Wes Anderson film?

Wes Anderson is an unique director, and I´ll make a recap of all of his films, giving my personal grade of each and every one of them. Pick your favourite:

1) Bottlerocket ***: Not bad for being his first project. I loved the cast and the story, very original and funny. Even though it´s an excellent picture, it´s not his best. But still, a must-see.

2) Rushmore ****1/2: My gosh I loved this movie. Made me laugh from beggining to end. Jason Schwartzman and Bill Murray were just great! Perfect combination of comedy and romance.

3) The Royal Tenenbaums *****: Anderson´s masterpiece. Every character can make a whole film by itself, but Wes decided to combine them into a hilarious disfunctional family. You can almost identify with at least one of them. Absolutely fantastic.

4) The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou ***1/2: Very nice indeed. What´s worth of this film is the excellent use of the music, the great acting, the originality of the story and the tribute to Jacques Custeau. Worth watching.

5) The Darjeeling Limited ****1/2: Simple, but yet breathe taking. The force and the message of this film is quite strong. In my opinion, the runner-up (tied with Rushmore).

Well, now tell me which is your favourite and why.
(P.S.: I´m sorry if my English is not very good, I´m from Mexico)


1. The Royal Tenenbaums
2. Rushmore
3. BottleRocket
4. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
5. The Darjeeling Limited

Om Mani Padme Hum


Bottle Rocket
Royal Tenenbaums
Darjeeling Limited
Life Aquatic


1. The Darjeeling Limited
2. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
3. Royal Tenenbaums
4. Bottle Rocket
5. Rushmore (I'm not sure why but I didn't like it at all. Perhaps a second viewing will help)


1. The Darjeeling Limited
2. Rushmore
3. The Royal Tenenbaums
4. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

I will have no hestitation in smashing your dolls cupboard with a hammer mum, I'm serious


The Royal Tenenbaums
The Darjeeling Limited
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Bottle Rocket


The Royal Tenenbaums
The Darjeeling Limited
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Bottle Rocket

to the person who said they might need to see rushmore again...yeah, you should...all of Wes's movies need at least a second viewing to let it all soak in


1. Rushmore (Simply his best)
2. Bottle Rocket
3. The Royal Tenenbaums
4. The Life Aquatic
5. The Darjeeling Limited
I love Wes Andersons style of directing, his films can be so colorful and fun to watch. I do believe he needs Owen to start writing again. Wes Anderson's movies keep getting artsier and a little less entertaining. I hardly got through darjeeling,though it was nice to look at, it just wasnt enough.


that's how i felt when i first saw just seemed to be lacking...but on repeated viewings i've totally changed my mind


1. Royal Tenenbaums
2. Life Aquatic
3. Darjeeling Limited
4. Rushmore
5. Bottle Rocket


1.Royal Tenenbaums
3.Life Aquatic
4.Darjeeling limited
5.Bottle Rocket




Life Aquatic
Royal Tenenbaums
Darjeeling Limited

Haven't seen BR yet.


I agree with cinmat's list completly


Dude dude dude ,. u didnt like rushmore what??? its very funny, u need to watch it with no distraction give it another try


*note I have not seen Bottle Rocket yet

1) Rushmore - Took a while for me to decide this is my favorite. I love everything about it.
2) Darjeeling Limited- Used to be my favorite, but now is a very close second. It's such a simple, warm movie. It's great.
3) Royal Tennenbaums - First Wes movie I saw.
4) Life Aquatic- yeah...I hated this movie pretty much. I didn't find it funny at all.


Life Aquatic
Royal Tennenbaums
Bottle Rocket
Darjeeling Limited


Thank you frales for finally ranking The Life Aquatic as your favorite, as it is mine.


1. Rushmore (his best...but a close second is...)
2. The Royal Tenenbaums (Where's my shoe?)
3. Life Aquatic
4. Bottlerocket (Maybe I need to see this one again, but I didn't care for it)

Watching Darjeeling Limited next week (awaiting Netflix delivery!)


There is one poster on here who got the answer correct. The Life Aquatic is wes Anderson's best movie, Owen Wilson's Best movie, one of Bill Murray's top five (closer to the top) and one of Jeff Goldblum's only good five. Oh! And a great part for the Green Goblin. Aquatic, Platoon and To Live and Die in La are his best.
I enjoyed every Wes Anderson movie but thought Rushmore was overrated and Tenenbaums was really more of a vehicle to show how amazing Gene Hackman still is.
But The Life Aquatic is one of the few movies that almost made me cry which was such a shock after laughing through so much of it.


Bottlerocket was a warm-up film from a filmmaker finding his way, Rushmore a hilarious sophomore effort and a tour de force performance for Schwartzmann and Murray, leading up to Tenenbaums, his best and most well-rounded film and masterpiece, I agree... the success of which facilitated Wes' move into more self-absorbed movies. There are still wonderful moments in Life Aquatic (Willem Dafoe is funny - who knew?) and Darjeeling (Adrien Brody surreally stating "Mine died.") but for me they are more personal, less accessible films.


1.The Royal Tenebaums
3.The Life Aquatic
5.The Darjeeling Limited


1. Rushmore (my favorite movie OF ALL TIME, it just has so many fantastic qualities)
2. Royal Tenenbaums
3. Darjeeling Limited (moved up a spot after seeing it a second time)
4. The Life Aquatic (Great performances, but I couldn't connect emotionally like I could with the top three)
5. Bottle Rocket. I just can't get into it

Wes rocks my socks.


Kept scrolling through the posts, looking for a list that matched my tastes. Didn't see one, so here goes...

1. Rushmore
2. Bottle Rocket
3. The Darjeeling Limited
4. The Life Aquatic
5. The Royal Tennenbaums

The sea was angry that day, my friends. Like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.


The life Aquatic
The Royal Tenenbaums
The Darjeeling Limited

(Have not seen Bottle Rocket)


1. the royal tenenbaums
2. the life aquatic with steve zissou
3. rushmore
4. bottle rocket
5. the darjeeling limited

I'm happy that most people seem to agree that tenenbaums is wes's masterpiece but im disappointed that most people tend to not like life aquatic... i thought it was great in every way and is a close second for me... maybe i like it more than most people because bill murray is my favourite comedic actor and is in the primary role whereas in tenenbaums and rushmore he is more of a supporting role...i dont know. anyways, rushmore and bottle rocket are both great... darjeeling ive only seen once and have been meaning to see again but i did not get a lot out of it when i first saw it


yeah i really think Darjeeling gives you the least amount on the first watch...but i'm tellin' it again...and's right there with Tenenbaums and Rushmore
