MovieChat Forums > The Darjeeling Limited (2007) Discussion > india through the eyes of 3 rich white b...

india through the eyes of 3 rich white boys

as far as india goes, this movie is pure fantasy fiction from start to finish. this is how i envision the screenplay was conceived:

Wes Anderson: hey guys, i wanna make a movie in india cause then i can get a tax write-off for my vacation there.

Roman Coppola: yeah, ok, but india is just so dirty and poor.

Jason Schwartzman: yeah, i'm only going if we can stay in 5-star hotels the whole time and hire some bodyguards to keep the beggars off of me.

Wes Anderson: totally, our movie won't be about REAL india, it'll be just about how we imagine it while we get stoned at the Taj hotel - only $5,000/night per room!

Roman Coppola: i get it! we'll make the trains really nice and the women really slutty, because, i mean, face it, nobody in america wants to see a movie about how crappy the railway system in india really is, and nobody wants to admit that indian girls are totally asexual and would never kick down with a white boy - unless she's working Faulkland Road or somehing.

Jason Schwartzman: not to mention that having sex in a real indian toilet splattered with diarrhea and stale urine would be just gross.

Wes Anderson: but the film needs something else, something that makes people actually want to go see it, like...

Roman Coppola: like natalie portman's naked fat arse!!!

Jason Schwartzman: i go to temple with her; i'm sure i can pursuade her to make a cameo.

Wes Anderson: cool, but say its for artistic purposes, not marketing.

Roman Coppola: ha ha, so many geek boys are gonna wet themselves for this movie!

Jason Schwartzman: maybe i'll grow a mustache too. then people will start taking me seriously.

Wes Anderson: what should we call it?

Roman Coppola: Jodhpur Limited?

Jason Schwartzman: americans won't know how to pronounce jodhpur; the name will scare them. how about Darjeeling Limited? sounds much nicer.

Wes Anderson: yeah, and it's not like anyone will be smart enough to know that the movie doesn't even take place in darjeeling.






Debating the movie. IMDB is a place to engage in conversation, it's not a stroke fest!



It's not?

[Puts away Kleenex]

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


that was funny as hell, i'm sure that's how the conversation went, and i agree with you 100%
f%$k you! pay me-paul cicero,GoodFellas


Would you rather that the film had been India through the eyes of spoiled rich Indian boys?

Or India through the eyes of poor Indian boys?

Or India through the eyes of rich NRI's?

Or India through the eyes of poor NRI's?

Perhaps the film wasn't about India at all, but about 3 rich white boys who, nonetheless, were all experiencing pain of one kind or another. It's funny how money can't buy happiness.


All of Anderson's films are set in a fantasy. Or do you think everyone in NYC lives in huge mansions too?

Orgies are not too much fun if no one wants to do it with you.

