Who would pay to watch this creep?
The guy is a convicted sex offender, who the hell is funding this, let alone wants to watch it?
shareThe guy is a convicted sex offender, who the hell is funding this, let alone wants to watch it?
sharePiss off arse wipe.
shareHe did not do anything terrible.
He spanked it in an adult theater and was unlucky enough to get caught.
That's like getting arrested in a bar for public intoxication.
He didn't just spank it. He showed his package to an undercover officer that he was cruising for gay sex. They wrote it up that he was spanking it as a favor/compromise.
Check out the ORIGINAL Police report...
It's like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.
Nod to apocalypse now.
It's like handing out the death penalty for attempted suicide.
shareThat was a long time ago and he paid a price for it. He did not molest kids or rape anybody. No one is forcing anyone to watch it so don't worry yourself about it I guess.
shareI would! Go away downer.