Stunningly AWFUL!

Frank Miller is one of the most untalented directors in history. He should never be allowed to participate on the set of any film again.

Sin City was moderately entertaining; I am sure that's only because of Robert Rodriguez's involvement. I did love 300, but Miller had the right job on that (he wrote and drew the funny book). That's all the man is good at, and his art really ain't so hot.

I wonder when that Buck Rodgers movie he was directing is coming out?

Ha Ha!

There's a better chance of Cutthroat Island 2 hitting the screens than this untalented buffoon ever getting multiple millions of dollars to bring a movie to the big screen.

Maybe SyFy can hire him to direct a second Man-Thing picture.


your being a little harsh man... just calm down a little bit.
sure the movie sucks, sure Frank can't direct, but lets be real here.
do you think you could do better? Ha Ha!
and questioning his artistic ability? Ha Ha!

is it a crime to have a passion for something? no it's not... Frank probably reallyyyy enjoys movies and he wanted to get a shot at being the main director on one.

so go easy on the guy. I'm sure that he tried his hardest to make the movie great... I really doubt his plan was for the movie to bomb.


I lasted 15 minutes in this film...15 minutes of my life that I will never get back...if you can't hook your audience within that amount of time, the movie will suck...and the amount I saw, did just that...


LOL at Cutthroat Island 2. Oh Renny Harlen, how you made me smile.


What's 15 minutes in a man's life?


"What's 15 minutes in a man's life?"

15 minutes of a man's life is a lot when you are dying of cancer..But then again if you are dying of cancer shouldn't you be out trying to look for the cure for cancer rather than watching movies and then not enjoying it and then wasting more time going on IMDB and posting a message about it. Lung and bronchial cancer is the deadliest type of cancer in the USA and maybe the world. In the USA alone it kills nearly 800,000 people. So please help me find the cure and give generously to cancer research and treatment. Although, me personally(conspiratorially), I think the cure has been found but the money is in the treatment and not the cure. And the global elite aka New World Order wants and needs a decline in population to push through their Agenda.

My dog sexually abuses my left leg....all the time.


He Wrote the graphic novel first in the 90s on most of those films you tlkd about so if it werent for him they would never be and plus u cant do betta


My point was mainly that the guy is a good writer. I thought that was clear. Not a fan of his art and his direction is laughable. Not saying I could do better, but I couldn't do much worse.



I must be a minority here - I'm a huge fan of Frank Millers work both the film adaptions that he wasn't exactly at the helm of and his actual graphic novels (the WW2 one i forget the name springs to mind as plain awesome) and as such I had high expectations for this film.
I watched it for the first time last night and very much enjoyed it! I almost feel guilty as so many people are blasting it but the reasons given have been for lack of a better word sucky - dialogue? What the hell man its a film noir the lines are supposed to be ham-fisted and punch through you like .50 bullet wounds.


The problem is that Frank Miller IS NOT a director but a graphic artist. That's why 'The Spirit' looks spectacular, while in the other hand, the characters were poorly developed and the action sequences seems taken directly from Tom & Jerry.
BTW although Frank Miller is credited as the co-director of 'Sin City', in fact it was directed in its entirety by Robert Rodríguez with a couple scenes directed by Tarantino.

IMO Frank Miller should stick to write/draw graphic novels (he excelles at that) and to let the directorial helmet to somebody else more qualified for the job.


Thanks for reminding me of Cutthroat Island. I thought I had successfully expunged that from my memory until now. Oh, the horror. And I also couldn't agree more as to how bad The Spirit actually is. I have no idea where that $60m budget went. Lunch on set must have been pretty damn good.


I have no idea where that $60m budget went. Lunch on set must have been pretty damn good.
It's hard to believe the studio would entrust Frank Miller with $60 million to create this still born turd, without having someone hanging over his shoulder to try to steady the listing ship.


deplorable garbage that sank all hopes of serious consideration of the topic...much like Pal's Doc Savage ripped the expected franchise into little pieces right in front of us and we fans couldn't stop it.


Very good comparison, diddy - that awful Doc Savage movie is just inexplicably bad. I'd add John Carter to that list, unfortunately, even though it was a FAR better movie, the character is thought of as damaged goods now.


Did anyone associated with making this turd bother to READ THE SOURCE MATERIAL? The Spirit wears blue and is jovial, not gruff. The Spirit has NO powers and gets by on grit and muscle. The Octopus is never seen outside of his gloves and whatever mask he happens to wear. Commissoner Dolan of the comics looks nothing like the actor...he more closely resembles Robert Duvall with a pipe always in his mouth.

Other violations of the source...the Spirit's young ward, Ebony White, is usually beside him helping or driving a cab (he's a prodigy).

The Spirit has the noted habit of sticking his tongue in his cheek while thinking.

He doesn't chase girls...they chase HIM.

