The bible
What power would the bible have if you wrote the script in new series?
shareHow about the power to magically create trolls and flamewars whenever it's mentioned?
Oh wait - UNrelated to what the mundane object normally does. Right... sorry.
Here's a thought for you. Why the bible? The other objects were personal objects of the occupant, not of the room itself. IT is the one object that doesn't fit the pattern ....
shareSo he brought his own bedsheets and soap to a motel?
They're 'any' easily removed objects found in the room at the time of the event.
BTW,I just had of an interesting idea.
The power of the Fingerprint was to find the Occupant.
Instill madness.
Were the soap and the bedsheets revealed to be objects? I thought they were created (in their proper places) each time the room regenerated itself, unlike the objects. I had thought early on that the owner of the key could have a lucrative business making sheets and pillows by opening and closing the door. Then again, they could go the route of the penny maker. *G*
Great idea on the fingerprint by the way. If it was an object that is. I have the same thought as with the soap and the bedsheets as to whether it is an object or not.
There's a great wiki page that lists the objects and it's been confirmed by Christopher Leone and Paul Workman. It also says that "ALL items in Room 10 are Objects nonetheless."
It would have the power to brainwash narrowminded people the world over, using the power of intimidation.
That's what it would do if I wrot.. Uh. Nevermind.
It could do the following thing: whenever it touches a piece of red linen, or another type of soft cloth with the color red, it makes it completely rigid and unbreakable (in the shape the cloth had when it first touched the bible). Regardless of the dimension of the cloth. It has the same effect on any other red fabric of the same type as the one directly touching the bible, if the two pieces of cloth are in direct physical contact (and so on). Once the physical connection with the bible is interrupted, everything regains its normal texture.
Words, Mr. Sullivan, are precious things. And they are not to be tempered with!
#1: It could instantly dry any flower placed within it. (Quite useful for fans of potpourri, considerably less so for everyone else.)
#2: It could cause anyone who tries to eat it to get a bad case of lock-jaw (though this really isn't a power of the Bible, but simply the natural result of trying to fit an indestructible book in your mouth).
#3: It could cause and/or relieve headaches. ("Bible, apply directly to the forehead! Bible, apply directly to the forehead! Bible, apply directly to the forehead!")
#4: It could kill bugs, mice, and any other creatures small enough to fit underneath it (though this could simply be a broader application of #3).
#5: It could make any bookmark place within it to become instantly lost.
#6: It could, when opened, banish any invisible pink unicorns from the immediate area.
#7: It could, when opened, instantly replace the underclothes worn by a specified individual with different but absolutely identical underclothes.
#9: It could noticeably improve the balance and grace of any woman who placed it on the top of her head, for as long as it remained on the top of her head.
#10: It could work similarly to #8, except on the number 8.
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The thing about the Objescts, one of the neat things actually, is that they do random things. The powers they have seem totally unconnected with their mundane functions. For example the Pen doesn't make you write like shakespeare instead if creates a miniature nuclear blast. The glasses don't let you see far, they stop combustion
The TRUE Hero of Lost:share
Whoever touches cannot lie.
shareIf you look at any of the pages you go into a coma for like a week.
"mb_webguy" and "Blotto-1" win.
A great series.
Just finished a Fringe binge and thought of this timeless classic. Now I want to watch it again on YouTube.