Was the naked lesbian scene needed?

Why does everyone think that in order to make a good horror movie, there must be nudity? I'm a guy and still found that scene tasteless and not needed. Nudity does not make a crappy movie good by any means.




Lesbian sex with a pizza-faced chocolate Mozart is a good thing???

Kindly tell that to my lawyer!

Governments can seriously damage your health


I agree with you trbrubak, I thought it was awful, pointless, and a rather blatant rip off of the bath tub scene in the Shining tbh! I mean look at it and you will see they have copied that infamous scene and tried to remake it as a kinky way to get the small brained (and rather pathetic) guys out there who think seeing naked girls makes a movie. It is totally not needed! If you think that a movie needs sex and nudity to make it good and entertaining, then it just shows the level of your intellect.


" it just shows the level of your intellect"

Maybe it shows the level of your intellect to not get the point... as others have said before it showed the ghosts behaving as they did when they were killed in the place. It was the most convincing excuse I have seen in any horror for showing lovely naked eastern european beauties... It also has the other more important effect of increasing DVD/Bluray rental / sales after cinema release.... if you are gay/female and didn't appreciate the scene then quit moaning about it - you are not the target audience!!!!


sexuality and gender has nothing to do with it... the point is it doesnt fit in with the story at all, it is just there for no reason. And if it was to show how the ghosts were before death then there is a big problem... they would not have allowed two lesbians to share the same cell if they thought it wrong...
also it is an institution for the criminally insane, why would there be people in there for being lesbians?


Because being gay wasn't okay to Dr. Vannacutt, thus why he killed them. The ghosts obviously wanted Harue and tried to seduce her, I didn't see anything bad about this scene, that I haven't seen in any other horror movie, you ever see From Dusk Till Dawn, any of Freddy or Jason movies, they ALL have nudity in it, also, the lesbians were in the first one and that movie had nudity in it as well, the woman that Price sees in the water and when he sees Ms. Marr. Who cares nudity & sex are always in a horror film, look at Angel Heart, The Devil's Advocate, Stir of Echoes and plenty others. This movie was okay, but compared to the 1999 version, it sucked ass, the lesbian scene was one of the best scenes in the picture, especially in the Blu-Ray version where you see an alternate version of the scene. Harue's character was a lesbian, the ghosts identified with her, because she could've went through the same thing as they did just for being gay. I liked the scene, didn't see what was wrong with it, it was a hot scene.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


It was to show more effectively how sick and horrible the people running the asylum were. It showed the cruelness and evil that they had become.

I don't care for people that don't care for originality


It was to show more effectively how sick and horrible the people running the asylum were. It showed the cruelness and evil that they had become.

I don't know, man... I think you're giving the writers too much credit. AMC ran this a few times last month and even though I didn't see the entire movie on either occasion, what I did see was incredibly bad. Nothing made any sense to me. I think they just sorta fell into that one. Hm, what else can we put in there? Nudity... Nudity is always good. Lesbians are even better! And then we can show the cruelty and evil that went on in the asylum. The girls were hot though. You're not going to hear me complain about that scene. ;) They should do a porno House on Haunted Hill... That's one Return to House on Haunted Hill I'd watch. :P


but they is lesbians! You no undastand woman. Man like meat, Man like fight, Man like beer and most importantly Man like lesbian.


but they is lesbians! You no undastand woman. Man like meat, Man like fight, Man like beer and most importantly Man like lesbian.

Haha. There's no arguing with that... Lesbians definitely make everything better. And lesbians with beer and meat? Fogettaboutit!


Oh look another fag thinking that just because they are uptight prudes about nudity that somehow makes them smarter than everyone else lol. Oh pls you prudes need to get off your high horses there is nothing WRONG with nudity and it is NEEDED in not just horror films but every R rated film.


Holy crap. If there's lesbian sex in this woeful outing, why take out the ONE thing worth watching it for?


It was absolutely necessary and should have been longer.


What film isn't better with a naked lesbian scene? As long as it's not Roseanne Barr...


Yes in a quality horror movie you don't necessarily need nudity. But once in a while i like a good b-movie or direct to video low budget flick and yes i do like some nudity and sex in there.

But what i really find curious sometimes is why are some peoples watching horror movies filled with violence and killing and torture complaining about nudity and sex in them.

Ripping a men's eye, sure no problem.
But a naked women ... oh my god that is so offensive or tasteless.
What is so wrong about a beautiful naked women???


I think for some people, the objection is the linking of the violence with sexual content, and that it may desensitize people to it or make internal associations between sex (nudity) and violence.

You don't choose the soy sauce, the soy sauce chooses you.


Yeah, I'm a guy and found the scene wasn't needed at all. I think Garcia was probably just trying to attract a lot more male viewers(especially adolescents). I mean he probably knew the movie was crap, so he threw that in so that guys would tell their friends, "Well the movie sucks, but there's a lesbian scene in it."

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."


Hollywood has really gone downhill....some directors think that if the movie MAY be dull...then they better add a "sexy scene" in it...just in case.
