Great acting, crappy writing. ** spoilers ***
I understand logic has to be checked at the door while watching fiction but while watching this show, you have to check your logic and drop about 50 IQ points. Maybe they do things a bit differently in Denmark but here are some of the things I learned while watching The Killing.
- Accuse anyone and everyone without evidence so the show can move on to the next episode.
- If you're accused of murder, do everything in your power to look like a suspect and be sure to hide your alibi at all cost.
- If you're innocent, lie to the police.
- If you're a witness, lie to the police.
- If you have nothing to do with the case, lie to the police.
- Smoke like cigarettes are going to be outlawed tomorrow.
- If you are the police and a suspect cuts you, don't shoot him but try to talk to him.
- When transporting a prisoner, be sure not to cuff her so she can take your gun.
- In fact, don't cuff anyone.
- No one sleeps.
- Danish police is more incompetent than the Afghan police.
- Forensics is only important if it moves the story to the next episode, otherwise, it is to be ignored.