Did not see "Sucker Punch", the trailers neved did it for me and I was just not interested, on-top of that a PG-13 movie from Zach Snyder just did not compel me.
As for "Priest" I thought that it was a movie full of possibilities that were missed and the movie ended up swallowed in mediocrity. I was not annoyed or angry or any of the sort, but dissapointed due to the fact that this movie could have been way better.
I have never read the graphic novels, but if you're to go by what fans say, this movie is a sacrilege that totaly distorts what the graphic novels are about. However the director and producer have said that the movie is only "based" on the novels and not trying to follow their storyline to the letter...
As I have mentioned before, for some reason it reminds me of "Judge Dread", the 1994 movie with Stallone, a visually acomplished movie which got downed by bad acting, a bad script and bad casting. Hopefully the franchise re-boot "Dread" starring Karl Urban incidentally, will be better.
If it's any consolation, "Priest" is better than "Legion"...and I also have a confession to make, I went to see the movie in large part due to Maggie Q being cast in it...and she did not dissapoint me...LOL.
"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins