Religious nonsense
Wow, what a bunch of religious BS. This has to be on the top 10 of worst movies ever made. It boggles the mind how anyone could give this a score above 1.0 without being a complete mindless drone.
shareWow, what a bunch of religious BS. This has to be on the top 10 of worst movies ever made. It boggles the mind how anyone could give this a score above 1.0 without being a complete mindless drone.
Actually the movie is anti-Jewish. There's no major presence of Judaism, as a matter of fact it completely is non-existent in this presentation of its world.
Completely agree. This movie doesn't deserve anything above 1 ★. Even zombies won't be able to digest such crap. Those who haven't watch, my sincere advice don't dare to watch. Even its trailor can swung your head.
shareYes, well, religious nonsense or not (and I'm inclined to agree that if anything it was anti-religion, despite not seeing the end), it was a total failure. I fell asleep during this one- first time an "action" movie has ever done that to me.
shareOau what a lame comment. This movie is a SF and it isn't bad. The problem is that the script is too simple and it doesn't follow up the manhwa (the korean comic book). It could have been much more interesting if it would have been made after the story of the manhwa. Anyway the acting is OK, the script is poor, the effects are good. Overall it isn't a very poor movie (way better than Legion).
shareIs a trailor a tailor who trails?
Literacy: what a concept.
Quite some tautology there...
shareWow, what a bunch of religious BS. This has to be on the top 10 of worst movies ever made. It boggles the mind how anyone could give this a score above 1.0 without being a complete mindless drone.
Agreeing with you up until when you state any movie with good vs evil is religious themed, a little bit or not. Probably true a lot of times, but not always, I'm quite sure. There exist people without a religious bone in them, though I guess they could still be influenced by such widely-held beliefs -- not necessarily a particular religion, though; and besides, there has always been personifications of the good and the bad, be it water and God or fire and the Devil. But I feel you're arguing the point that the concept of good and evil exists not without religion. I might be wrong.
Sad story. You got a smoke?
This film is just an excuse for mindless bloodshed and action. It's an empty exercise in style. It lacks rich and compelling characterizations. This is especially true of the character of Priest, who has no compelling charisma or personality to root for. His origin could be elaborated. The film could benefit from having a more extensive back story or prologue. For example, I wanted to know more about this fictional world and the role of religion.
Also, the acting, dialogue, and situations are at times so solemn and ridiculous that they are laughable, almost on the brink of parody. This film is also an insult to organized religion and leaves a lot of room for unanswered questions.
The role of religion in this movie is quite clear. Christopher Plummer is addressed as 'Monsignor', which is a member of the clergy of the Catholic Church. There's also the cross, a crucifixion and a few other typical christian/catholic symbols.
'An insult to organized religion'. Excuse me? One cannot insult a christian or islamic hypothesis as unreal as the story of The Lord of the Rings. If I insult Godallah, he should have his lawyer ring my doorbell.
Technical assets and FX are satisfactory, but the fights, like in many such movies, tiresome. How much tougher can heroes become, how much higher can they jump without shattering both legs? Another problem with Priest is that none of the characters is much likable. I loved the vampires, though, Karl Urban is a handsome one and the eyeless beasts are an excellent horrifying design (albeit for a part loaned from the bullet head of the HR Giger alien).
I also appreciated the scenes where bikes and a train speed through what resembles the Nevada desert where the surrealistic Burning Man festival is held every year. Speaking of unreal.
But all in all the movie isn't quite worth the 60 million dollar they spend on it.
@ 1aih4oi02, Mon Jul 25 2011 12:21:15
Obviously you didn't get the film. It wasn't a "Religious nonsense". Precisely the contrary!