Why is it seen as wrong in the US to hit your own kids ?!?
I dont get this double standard, what kind of upbringing you can get when youre not punished by your parents by slapping your face once in a while. His daughter in this film called him an *beep* his own father damn it, and he slapped her of course, and its filmed in such a way like he is a bad guy, usually in Europe his wife would not react like that, she would slap her own daughter instead. I dont know why, but this gives me a feeling and explanation why so many Americans in my experience have problems to be humble, respectful, not to be offended when theyre own best friends or loved ones tell them they are full of *beep* out of love. It might explain why they are so uber sensitive, because their parents didnt teach them a sense of humility and self-reflection. And it also might explain why so many of them have such big corrupted egos, suing one another over anything, etc..