I dont get this double standard, what kind of upbringing you can get when youre not punished by your parents by slapping your face once in a while. His daughter in this film called him an *beep* his own father damn it, and he slapped her of course, and its filmed in such a way like he is a bad guy, usually in Europe his wife would not react like that, she would slap her own daughter instead. I dont know why, but this gives me a feeling and explanation why so many Americans in my experience have problems to be humble, respectful, not to be offended when theyre own best friends or loved ones tell them they are full of *beep* out of love. It might explain why they are so uber sensitive, because their parents didnt teach them a sense of humility and self-reflection. And it also might explain why so many of them have such big corrupted egos, suing one another over anything, etc..
Im from Europe too and from my experience it is not frowned upon anywhere ive been. As a parent doing this it's supposed to teach you to respect life and people.
First, there is a difference between punishment with a spanking and slapping a kid across the face. Second, it is now considered that there are better/alternative punishments. Especially for a teenager ... why smack the kid when you can just cancel their cell phone service or take their computer away? Third, there is a substantial amount of evidence that spanking as a normal form of punishment often causes more harm than good. It is correlated with children growing up to have increased (not decreased) behavior problems in school, and is correlated with all sorts of violent behavior, anger management issues, and decreased (not increased) respect for authority. You can have corrective behavior that doesn't rely on physical violence.
Personally i dont know many parents that didnt ever hit, slap or smack their kids, ever. Seriously this is very surprising to me that 2 posters on here that have such an opposite viewpont. As far as I know it is considered widely in the world as a standard to punish your kid physically, except more in the so-called civilized west(including Europe). Id suggest to compare the kids in the west with the kids more in the east. It might explain something to you. It might explain why the western part of the world seems to think they can do almost anything they want, why they have problems with their ego. This is just my experience, but also that comes from long years of research.
Mind you that you might have mistaken my point about punishment, slapping your kid that feels miserable and hates their parents for that is one thing, but slapping him out of LOVE to teach him lessons is another, by making sure that their kid understands and love them for that. Believe you me that people who were brought up like this are extremely grateful to their parents for being like that to them. It showed them respect to life. I dont see it as enough of a punishment by cancelling your cell phone service or computer, do you think they can FEEL the hurt, do you think it brought them on their knees to see their wrong doing?! of course no one knows their kids better than a parent, all kids are different and respond to different teacging tools, and im not even talking about smacking some 18plus years old teenagers, but younger when they are still in develoipment, when youre 16-18 it seems too late of course.
I cant even imagine how i would turn out if my parents' biggest punishment was cancelling my cell phone service, lol... that seems so outrageous that im not sure if you were serious. btw, im a very spiritual person with a degree in psychology with a deep understanding of love. No Christian fanatic who teaches kids to do what is in the bible, but very level-headed balanced loving soul that tries to spread light and love. Please dont take what i said as a universal truth, its all my own experience.
Though I have to conclude based on those two responses here, that what i was saying in my first post was confirmed, I was looking for explanations why is that such a norm in the western world not to slap your kids, all i got was a response that im a wrong one. When in fact it is so evident how western world seems so corrupted, just by comparing teenagers from the US to teenagers in Austria or Hungary. Just use your logical thinking why the US is sooo uber sensitive to what others say, so many are so easily offended, why do you think it is like that, i dont know about you but i see a parallel here that comes down to culture/upbringing. People in the east dont sue each other so much, of course it boils down to an ego, but where that ego comes from, how is it formed, well, i think when you have wealthy parents who can let you do whatever you want and give you so much freedom that the biggest punishment youd get from your own parents was taking your cell phone away from you, it will reflect on your own ego real fast. Kid grows up living with no boundaries whatsoever. The reason why people today think and feel that slapping kids is outdated reflects their own mentality of being sensitive. It's a vicious circle.
On a side note, this poster "marchello12" said that he's "sorry" for me, on the thread that discusses problems with sensitive ego basically, this poster with a sensitive view on upbringing that doesnt support punishment for our own EGOS (yes that's what it is, it's our own ego that is punished when we are hurt by our parents - out of love) looking, talking DOWN on me like this, as if he/she is so much better. Well, you might be from Europe, but i didnt say that everyone is the same in certain region on earth. I think that line was enough for me to know where she/he is coming from. Literally and figuratively. I just wish him/her lots of love out there, hopefully one day people realize that they are not better or worse than anyone else.
I grew up in Japan and Ireland, and I never met a family that condoned physical abuse as a punishment. Honestly, if you teach your kids that aggressive behavior is the solution, that's how they're going to react when confronted with problems later in life. It might get the "correct" behavior out of them in the short term, but it will most likely leave a negative impact in the long term: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/02/08/slapping-children-makes-them-aggressive-adults_n_1262118.html
Slapping a child when they act out may relieve the frustration of the parent, but it does the child no favors. It's not about sensitivity. It's about teaching a child how to rationally and intelligently deal with frustrating situations instead of resorting to violence.
And this is coming from the study made in the western part of the world. Sorry it's hard to take seriously, including your statement. I have proof by being in contact with friends who grown like that, including myself, and believe me that all of them hardly ever aggresive and far more humble and respectful towards authority, which is something what is missing in any average child in the US, Ireland or the UK. Go figure.
Give me better arguments, please, just do a research on the behavour of todays kids between the US and Eastern Europe.. it seems sooo obvious to see where is the problem.. it all comes down to reinforcement of an ego structure in kids. And you can see that in the west, including Europe.
Physically punishing kids is frowned upon in most civilized societies, though there will always be somebody that thinks it's a good idea. I know only of one person that was hit by his parents, and when I told my parents they didn't even believe me. That's how common it is to hit your kids where I'm from (northern Europe).
Where are you from exactly? In what European country is physical punishment accepted?
You provide anecdotal evidence as "proof" that hitting children is acceptable, yet you denigrate a study showing that hitting children is unacceptable because it was made in the western part of the world? You need an education in what constitutes proof.
I think this is really interesting. I am a psychologist, and I think that slapping your children across the face is a terrible idea. Firstly because the face is a sensitive area, and a large adult hitting a child could inadvertently cause brain damage. If you hit at the wrong angle or the wrong place, or a bit too hard, you could really hurt them.
I am from the UK, and my parents did hit me when I was a smaller child, always on my buttocks, which I think is a better place to smack a child, as it's soft and will sting but not do any dangerous damage. Personally, I didn't feel that being hit helped me at all, in fact both my sister and I have bad psychological problems, her in particular. We had au pairs from Eastern Europe, and they didn't hit us! They were really kind and extremely loving.
In general, I think a slight slap to the buttock when a child does something very wrong or potentially dangerous to correct their behaviour is not so bad, but to hit them regularly as a punishment is too much and can be damaging.
I happened to be hit by my parents a few times and I believe that thanks to this I was brought up as the decent and respectful person I am. And yes, I do think that hitting your child every now and then when he/she does something really bad is a good way of teaching them to be thankful and respectful. When my father hit me, I would be upset because I knew I did something wrong and it was my fault, I also would be somehow afraid of him and that he would hit me again which made me try hard not to misbehave in any way. A little later, of course, the fear turned into respect. This is why I am so grateful to my parents and haven't once said anything disrespectful to them - a quality which seems that very few kids nowadays have. On the other hand, I see that whenever they have their laptop or phone taken, children get rather angry at the parent thinking it's unfair and calling them with ugly names. Completely oposite of my case, this time the teenager would lose whatever respect he had towards the parents and misbehave even more. I understand why this is some kind of taboo in some families and even whole countries. However, in Eastern Europe where I live this is not considered wrong and none of the people I know who have been hit as children are now agressive, they are rather really well-brought up people.
Do you know WHY you have been hit? I've read that many people in therapy say that "it was for their own good" or "they deserved it" but only remember the punishment itself.
IMO physical punishment makes kids mostly obedient, but only to authority, not to discipline for their own well being. They learn to obey anyone who has power over them, but they do not learn to understand how to make good decisions for themselves in complicated situations.
On the other hand emotional abuse / punishment can be even worse. But you can even raise dogs without physical punishment! Obviously I don't have kids of my own yet ;)
Anyway the scene in the movie was different, the daughter as almost grown up and the father was way out of line. To let it go unchallenged would have been amoral. In any religion or moral system it is especially bad as a parent to set a bad example and stir hate against your neighbor (instead of loving your neighbor!)
Hitting your child (otherwise called assaulting a minor) is a socially acceptable form of behavior for people who are unable to cope with ordinary child misbehavior. If you think that hitting is effective as a method of teaching something, you ought to use it in many other situations: in grade school, in the workplace, in the army, in college, etc. Why do we not use physical punishment in these situations? Well, first of all, it is an expression of a complete lack of respect for the other person. You can explain the correct way to behave without striking the person. Hitting is acceptable on children for one reason only: They are unable to hit back. They are smaller, weaker, intimidated by those who have power over them, etc. IF CHILDREN COULD DEFEND THEMSELVES, I guarantee that hitting children would have disppeared ages ago. That is the only reason why parents do it; they know that there will be no consequences.
Hitting only teaches a child that the stronger person gets his way. It teaches nothing about the right way to do whatever it is that the parents are angry about. And it reinforces the belief that physical violence is an acceptable method of dealing with disagreements between people.
Parents sometimes respond, "Oh, you have no idea what raising children can be like...You can tell them over and over not to do something, and they refuse to listen." Well, this is like a husband and wife. Husband says, "I have told her and told her not to leave her stockings in the bathroom, and nothing helped. So I simply had to hit her. Now she'll learn." Would any civilized human being think that this is permissible?
One last example. When I was growing up, if one of us spilled a glass of wine on the white tablecloth, my father launched into raising his voice and criticizing one of us for not being careful enough. If the same thing had happened at a dinner party, he would almost certainly have responded to the dinner guest, "Oh, don't worry. It's nothing. It will come right out in the wash." He would never even dream of criticising a dinner guest, even if he was really careless with the glass of wine. What does this show? It shows that children are small, weak, defenseless targets of a parent's anger, which the parent is unable to control. If an adult did the same thing, the parent would react in a completely different way: Usually like a civilized human being.
I am 62 years old. My parents did hit us occasionally, and criticized us constantly. When I was hit, the only thought I had was, "Now you are stronger than me, so you can bully me around; One day I will be stronger than you, and then we will see what you think of physical punishment." A really effective way to raise and teach children...NOT.
In sum, it is NEVER right to strike a child, whether your own or someone else's. It is NEVER a profitable way to educate or teach. Parents who do hit children have a serious personality disturbance, as well as an anger management problem. They really should be treated by a psychiatrist.
And your memories of waiting to grow up to hit your father back just show how much of an idiot you are.
Physical pain IS NECESSARY to make the child know what's wrong and what's right. You slap his behind before he tries to set fire to a curtain. A few tears, and then he knows. You can of course try and TALK to a 5 year-old about merits of good behaviour, see how far that gets you.
I'm 25, I remember perfectly my father belting me for lying, and it hurt a lot. And BOY am I grateful. YOU are the one who needs to see a psychiatrist, not the good parents of this world who want to raise a real man or a real woman.
Even tho this post is almost 2 years old, I'm gonna reply because someone called you an idiot *sigh*. You are 100% right! My dad hit me ONCE, and I don't even remember why. When I was a 4 yo, I really wanted a doll and my mom said no, so I started to cry and make a scene. My mom backed off and tried to hide somewhere I couldn't see her, but she still could see me. When I realized that everyone was looking at me acting like a spoiled child, I stopped ad waited for my mom. Well, I'm 22 now and I still NEVER ask for gifts lol. Thanks to that, I've became really humble and respectful. You don't have to hit your child to make a point.
I will stick to talking about the movie, 'cause the problem sure wasn't in the way it was filmed, for God's sake. The father truly was a judgmental prick and deserved the insult, but as he couldn't take it for face value he decided to slap his daughter. Usually anywhere a person knows enough to distinguish right from wrong, good from bad, he/she will react just the same as both the kid and the wife. I mean, of course calling her father such a word was extreme, but can someone say it wasn't warranted? He had dinner with this family, their neighbors for years, and had no appreciation whatsoever for their genuine nice characters. He showed no interest in getting to know them, yet was ready to make all sorts of accusations and criticism.
I'm born in Chicago and my mother would whoop me and my brother n sister's ass if we mouthed off. Today I live in Sweden and here it's against the law to hit your kids.