The only thing they can send across the 5th dimension is gravity, were you even paying attention?
It’s possible they tried the book shelf Morse code bit with multiple scientists yet Murph was the only one who paid attention to it so that’s why they chose Murph to save the world.
Terabytes ? WTF are you trolling about ? I can see you didn't even watch the movie.
An equation was sent to the watch. Please do everybody a favor a ban yourself from going on any forums. You lack brain capacity. I would be very surprised you even know how to wipe after the toilet.
Imbecile, re-watch the movie, or maybe you're just too stupid to understand plain English.
They already were trying to solve the equation but didn't have essential data, Cooper sent the quantum data (the behavior of gravity inside the black hole at quantum scales).
And it's called, in the movie, quantum DATA, not equation.
This was specifically addressed in the movie. They exist in the fifth dimension, which spans all time. They don't have a fixed place in time to be able to communicate, which is why they needed someone from the 3rd dimension to send the message.
Sorry, I missed a lot, now I understand the true message : only thing that transcends space and time is love.
Which is true :
Whenever Nolan falls in love with the logic of his movies, space and time distorts so that he doesn't realize he's just an overrated tool.
Again, you obviously didn't pay enough attention to the movie, and what your complaining about isn't accurate. It's very clearly stated in the movie that gravity is what transcends all dimensions, which scientists believe to be true. I have no problem with finding flaws in movies, and this movie has a few, but at least be accurate about your complaints.
Dude, of course gravity transcends all dimensions.
This movie does not have A FEW.
The whole fucking plot of the movie makes no goddamn sense : you need to understand gravity in order to escape some planet then build some rotating space station to simulate gravity and grow crops that you clearly could grow back on earth ?
Are you also from the 5th dimension that you cannot comprehend this movie is a pretentious pile of garbage ?
Again, what you are complaining about is not accurate to the movie. They needed to understand gravity so they could have a practical way to mass evacuate the human population. They could no longer grow crops on earth because of the blight. That is the main premise of the film. It's funny that you are taking a strong stance against a movie you obviously aren't very familiar with. And, I'm curious what makes this movie pretentious, please be specific.
They can't send messages themselves. They don't have a fixed place in time to be able to communicate, which is why they needed someone from the 3rd dimension to send the message.
Science my ass. Lol, it's a movie. What doesn't make sense? The premise, the plot, the characters, the decisions characters make, the setting and, yes, the science.
The visuals are nice though.
The plot definitely makes sense, regardless if you are able to comprehend it. The premise is exactly what scientists feel is very accurate, so strike number 2. I've already said that it's weakness is poor choices made by humans as a plot device, so you're 1 for 3 on your issues.
Good old "you don't get it" argument. What's next? "Stick to Transformers movies"?
I recently had a phone call with a wormhole. It told me, that it's a speculative structure. I wonder how real human beings can travel trough them like a ride with a train? It's about as scientific as beaming technology from Star Trek. Same goes for flying into a black hole. Very accurate...
You haven't given any specifics on what didn't make sense so at this point, without further informationfrom from you, it is as simple as "you don't get it". I can understand the movie start to finish, and I'm far from a genius, so it definitely makes sense. As far as traversing the black hole, read on it. Scientists that are more knowledgeable than both of us have speculated that certain black holes would theoretically be survivable.
There is nothing in the movie to indicate that it only took 2 minutes. It wouldn't have been very compelling to show days of her writing Morse code in a book.
I will have to watch that scene again but I think there were like literally 2 minutes between she discovers that the watch sends messages and the destruction.
But anyway, the problem still remains: he sends a bunch of a data but he doesn't send the most important info: which one is the right planet!
A lot of stuff happens in movies that doesn't take place in real time. It showed how it was done, and that's all it needed. Your point about the right planet might be valid, but maybe there isn't one that would be practical to get the entire population to and they knew that. Heck, the point of the wormhole probably was never about colonizing, but they needed to get a third dimension being to the black hole so he could traverse to the fifth dimension. Maybe the planet she found wasn't sustainable, and the new colony doesn't survive. Most likely, it's that human evolution was achieved under our sun, and it's likely that we wouldn't thrive under different conditions, so staying in our solar system is the best choice if possible.
I actually didn't remember that, but I'll assume that's accurate. It still is irrelevant, because they couldn't send any massage until they'd already colonized that planet. She went her way, which was a one way trip with thousands of embryos. He went into the black hole. It wasn't until after that, that they were communicating. Because of the time difference, she was roughly 90 years ahead on the colony, which would mean it's long established. It makes it an obvious choice to relocate to. Remember, these events have already happened to the future us, so if that's the planet that was chosen to reach their future, they would be unlikely to recommend going someplace else.
Well, a lot of scientists have said it's the most accurate representation of science in a movie, although admittedly they point out the fails too. It's not a perfect movie, but it is good, although it does require paying attention. If you watched it while playing around on your phone or something it would probably feel disconnected. It's biggest failing was probably the way it had humans make poor choices to advance the plot, mostly evident on the water planet. However, none of that equates to not making sense.
The biggest issue with this film is that it's not physically possible for a third-dimensional being, who are constrained by spacetime (meaning they have a beginning and end and a definitive, measurable location in space) to somehow become a fifth-dimensional being (who would not have a beginning or end from a third-dimensional perspective). Why? Because that would require them to have a beginning, which a fifth-dimensional being would not have since they transcend spacetime, would have always existed, and always will.
Still enjoyed the movie, but pieces of it bug me.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
LOL. Indeed! That exact comparison came to my mind as well. Yeah in a fantasy setting like Stargate it doesn't bug me much cuz they can invoke some timey-whimey magic. But for a film that tries to take it's science seriously it's a problem, a problem that could have been avoided had they kept the mysterious beings aliens instead of future humans.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
It's not just a wormhole. You forgot to mention that they can rescue the protagonist from a black hole and put him right next to a space station for the rescue team. Why not just send a radio signal of the equation to humans?