MovieChat Forums > Interstellar (2014) Discussion > Did they ruin the movie with this?

Did they ruin the movie with this?

Every movie should know what's at the heart of it's story.

To me, the heart of the story is the relationship between Cooper and his daughter, Murphy.

We have the fact that he's communicating from the future via the dust. The fact that he abandoned her for space. Her feelings of resentment. It takes her 30 years to send him a message when she is his age when he left (she looks too young but whatever.)

So he discovers that he was the one who sent the messages.

In the end, practically on her deathbed, they finally reunite.

But she says to leave within a minute. So 85 years or so pass, they finally meet, and she's like "you can go now , I have my own family" (who strangely didn't greet him.)

We then get some sort of love story, chase the girl ending . It was also a "to be continued" feeling.

I felt that the writing let this movie down.


no movie is ever perfect. especially now, with a billion people comparing notes, and picking everything apart. :)

That said, years later, I awoke thinking, "Was there ANYTHING in the movie showing ANY sort of attraction tween cooper and brand?" I recall him whispering something to a robot at some point, but that felt pretty weak as an "Im interested in her" point. Mostly they were fighting a lot, and working together, but I don't recall any spark. Did I miss it? Of was it just part of an imperfect movie?


Yeah I agree with that. No chemistry between those two characters.


rewatched, and yes, there is almost zero between them. Other than, he says she's pretty near the front, and some REALLY THIN "connecting" brief talks on the ship... then, of course, the "going through tramatic events together" style bonding, but very little else. I guess it didn't really bother me... in the grand scheme, he was a decent match to her stranded alone on a world where the pickings were pretty slim: a decayed corpse, and some rocks.... I guess Mathew could work :D


"in the grand scheme, he was a decent match to her stranded alone on a world where the pickings were pretty slim"

That is a good point and maybe there was not meant to be chemistry because the main relationship in the movie was between him and his daughter. If the movie was about the sacrifice of his time with his daughter for the greater good of humanity, then maybe it fits that idea to have his romantic relationship with Anne Hathaway be essentially a kind of "settling." A way to have the movie not be a complete downer but still get across the point about personal sacrifice.




I agree, one of my top 10 movies of all time, but that ending with him meeting his daughter, and all her daughter's family and everyone being so cold and so uninvolved was just a big fail, if that guy was your uncle, grandpa, cousin or anything you would have absolutely loooooooved to talk to him; and his daughter even more.


I feel yes and no. first, the movie was too long already. so, keeping that short makes sense. Next, from my PERSONAL experience at long stretch family reunions, you meet some strangers, are associated via name or family connection, but you know absolutely NOTHING about them, it is just awkward and strained. I prefer to not even talk to these strangers, and rather do anything else than TRY and hang out and pretend to be interested in their life that I could care less about (simply because that are total and complete strangers) than make fake small talk.
