
I just heard that there is an American remake in the works being written by the guy who wrote "Orphan". Now, I'm not one to immediately discard an American remake of a foreign property but I was wondering what form this will take. Will it be in a documentary style or a flat-out film narrative?

Anybody know anything?


So I take it this is going to be just like Ju-on: The Grudge where the remake is the same plot in the same country (there's only one Lake Mungo, after all, so it has to be set in Australia) but with an American family instead?

My mind still boggles over why they did that with The Grudge, at the hands of the great Sam Raimi no less. It was such a stupid and hollow move that I can't even begin to describe it properly. At least the remake of The Ring changed the setting and modified it into an atmospheric film that made good use of American horror conventions. With Lake Mungo I can see them pulling a Grudge where it is the same film, shot by shot, but with Americans and BOO! moments with zero subtlety.





You just know they're going to butcher it and give us a truly forgettable crap film.
