MovieChat Forums > Lake Mungo (2010) Discussion > Why is there a random Nazi ghost in the ...

Why is there a random Nazi ghost in the living room at 26:38?

I don't understand the inclusion of a Nazi officer in this scene. It detracted from the film because I kept hoping it would get addressed later but it never did.


Because...there wasn't?


There is a random Nazi in the room, 25mins in while they are showing old footage of the family having some fun. He is just stood in the corner and they walk past as if he isn't there.


How did you spot this????


Well spotted, it really looks like someone wearing a black uniform with a Nazi armband lol. Maybe it's a mannequin?


Could you describe the scene more because I don't see a Nazi at that time. I may have a different version of the movie.


Its quite bizarre as why on earth would someone have a Nazi statue/uniform in their house!

Here's a screenshot


Must be an easter egg.


So there is, well spotted..Where the dad is scaring Alice with a crayfish..he appears twice.

*There is no such thing as reality only what we perceive through our poor inadequate senses*



Weird eh
*There is no such thing as reality only what we perceive through our poor inadequate senses*


extremely well spotted! :D
Must be a troll by the filmmakers, and a nice one.


Probably just war memorabilia but the fact that they have it is questionable in and of itself.


Strange that they decided to put a comic (kind of) easter egg like that, unlike the revelation of Matthew or Alice's ghost in the ending videos, which is only creepy and sad. Seems a bit out of tune given the dark feel of Lake Mungo.
