
queis (6)



That and his explanation of why he's in jail are waaay over the rest of the movie Moonwalk Strange that they decided to put a comic (kind of) easter egg like that, unlike the revelation of Matthew or Alice's ghost in the ending videos, which is only creepy and sad. Seems a bit out of tune given the dark feel of Lake Mungo. Man since I knew of this movie (2006) I had always thought that I'm with you. If Michael had already put the money in the Vatican Bank (and it seems he did), then his death-by-stroke is a struck of luck similar to the Pope's illness. Michael dying would eliminate the possibilitie of him taken over Immobiliare, even in the improbable event that the Pope accepts his inclusion. It seems to me like a sloppy sequence in order to establish the Archbishop's villain status, instead of being narrative coherent and thus more effective. If someone can clarify this point I'll be grateful Sadly, that weird cut is still there. I'm with you on the theory that the original footage has been damaged by the time GF III hit theaters. View all replies >