
Clearly a lot of Carolla fans have inflated this movie's rating. I could care either way for Carolla, but he sucked in this flick. The first 30 minutes dragged on and on, with very few (if any) laughs from myself. Carolla's delivery wasn't on point and his jokes just fell flat. After those first 30 minutes I found myself doing something rather rare, which was stopping the movie because I just really didn't care what happened, and deleting it.


You have your own taste in films.

I like "little movies" as much as big ones.

This one was little, but very good.

Now, my expectations were not too high and this might have affected
my reaction (think "Private Parts" ;0)

Now, I love Adam's defense of common sense, but this had no
effect on this review.



Obviously, you're one of those people who lack a sense of humor. Carolla was hilarious. And the entire movie was both fast paced and highly entertaining.. at least to me. I loved this movie.




This is a pleasant movie with some laughable moments but doesn't forget the serious nature. It actually develops characters more than most comedies.

Seriously, if you don't like it so much...name a sports comedy that is better in recent years.

