
Clearly a lot of Carolla fans have inflated this movie's rating. I could care either way for Carolla, but he sucked in this flick. The first 30 minutes dragged on and on, with very few (if any) laughs from myself. Carolla's delivery wasn't on point and his jokes just fell flat. After those first 30 minutes I found myself doing something rather rare, which was stopping the movie because I just really didn't care what happened, and deleting it.


Hmmm, "deleting it" you say. Did you perchance download this movie illegally? I really wouldn't put much stock in the opinion of someone who didn't pay to see this.

In my experience, you can always tell the untalented, uncreative types by how much they crap all over anything that someone else has made or accomplished.



<<In my experience, you can always tell the untalented, uncreative types by how much they crap all over anything that someone else has MADE OR ACCOMPLISHED.

<like you just did re his post

Really? REALLY!? Are you British or just retarded?

You must suspend all disbelief.



You caught me! Although I think "lemming" is a little harsh. Maybe not. What's your problem with Carolla anyway?

You must suspend all disbelief.



Pay attention to what? I haven't seen you post anything about why you hate him on this thread.

You must suspend all disbelief.



I asked you what your problem with AC was and you said "assumes fact not in evidence. try to pay attention, moron."

Does that not imply that I at some point didn't pay attention to what you said about him?

PS. I love the picture of, I'm trying not to giggle, girls on trampolines right at the top of SaltyPig.com. Almost poetic.

You must suspend all disbelief.



If you've led me to the water I can't see it. Unless it's sophomoric name calling (lemming, moron, and idiot boy) or transparent passive-aggressiveness (don't detach a retina rolling your eyes). I know this is just the IMDb forum but I get a serious dissocial vibe from you.

You must suspend all disbelief.









I just realized something after reading some of your fine work on IMDb. You are an idiot. I mean, seriously. Is it anywhere within the narrow reaches of your feeble mind, to understand and comprehend you are neither clever nor amusing? Instead, merely banal and juvenile. I'm actually embarrassed for you. Seriously. I am. You speak of brainless and idiots constantly it seems, but mein Gott in Himmel, you are not only an idiot but one doesn't even realize that he is. Which is always sad. Either that or the laziest, most unimaginative troll extant.

And oh so tough, ain't you? Sheesh.

Why settle for the lesser of two evils? Vote Cthulhu!


How do you tell untalented, uncreative types? What I mean is.. tell them what? What do you mean tell? What do you know
about creative; if you think this movie was worth a damn..

'Dim X as Integer = 0'



My friend downloaded this and copied it on my PC, I deleted it as well. I often download the radio show which is,
of course, available free on his website. In any case, I like to listen to Carolla, though sometimes the show can be
somewhat vapid it is generally pretty entertaining to listen to. Anyways, what I'm saying here is: Carolla may have
made this movie for less than a million and it looks like a very professional movie. The downturn is, It didn't make
me laugh even once, it is formulaic, the soundtrack reminds me of an episode of MTVs NexT, and oh yeah... I didn't
laugh once. My girlfriend also likes to listen to the Adam Carolla show when I play it on the stereo but she hated
this movie even more than I did. I rated it a 5 because it looks as professionally done as any Adam Sandler movie.



MTV??? Since when the *beep* does MTV play Bad Religion or Social Distortion?


This movie was awesome! I rented it, but am now going to buy it. The people who are saying it sucked are 19 year old dip$ht$ who were expecting to watch Billy Madison, or Strange Wilderness. I love slapstick stoner movies as much as the next guy, but I loved this movie, and thought it was very original.


Yeah, MTV doesn't play bad religion or social distortion. You have to go to hot topic or hang out with some teenage girls to hear that...

'Dim X as Integer = 0'


Overrated? This movie went straight to DVD. The rating is based on the kind of movie it was. This movie wasn't all about the jokes. I'm sure there are plenty of spoof movies for you to watch --- disaster movie should be on your list --- watch epic movie, date movie, etc if you want something that'll keep your attention.

This movie never fell flat. It was short and sweet and deserves the 7 that it is getting.

"I like the taste of flavor" Me


Not quite 'straught to DVD', it had a limited run for several weeks where Adam Carola went to theatres in the SoCal area and chatted with the audience. Cheers.

You know your worth when your enemies praise your architecture of aggression.


Man, what a bunch of sorry-ass whiners. My wife, who hates (or just doesn't understand) Adam Carolla, loved the movie. I was expecting a raunchier experience, yet enjoyed the humor and the overall story even though it was barely PG-13 content. This was definitely a nice surprise.

If you didn't laugh during this movie, better unplug the life support - the brain has died and the soul is on vacation.


If you didn't laugh during this movie, better unplug the life support - the brain has died and the soul is on vacation.

I strongly agree...very well stated.

I especially liked the lines about what cheap ba$tards the Dutch are. We laughed a lot watching this film.


This movie was great!
I was shocked at how good it is.
The R rating is a completely moronic! This is a great movie to watch with the family.


Great - if the family is a group of idiots...

'Dim X as Integer = 0'



The thing with this movie is: If you want to see an amazing Oscar winning movie, then go see Benjamin Button. If your looking for a smart witty comedy, maybe you should see something else. However, if you want a good indie sports comedy movie then watch The Hammer.

For a a low budget funny indie film this one really hits the mark.


> The thing with this movie is:...

Actually, the way I'm seeing it, from this thread: "If you're an opinionated, obnoxious troll, don't see this movie.".

Since I'm not, I'm going to download the movie. I'll let you know if I erase it or not...



I bet you don't erase it. I just watched this movie tonight. It started while I was searching my PVR for something better to watch. I am not into 'boxing' movies especially when it was described as like the 'Rambo' story. And I'm not into his (Adam Carolla's) shows (never seen them).

BUT - I started to chuckle, then laugh out loud - especially when his Nicaraguan friend had lines and his new girlfriend tried boxing (just so funny).

I watched it all the way through and thoroughly enjoyed it - and BOY can he SKIP!!!!!


> If you want to see an amazing Oscar winning movie, then go see Benjamin Button.

Benjamin Button and amazing shouldn't be in the same sentence.


don't come on imdb, posting low ratings for a movie, accusing others of over-rating a movie, and spamming the boards about a movie you didn't even finish. It's a really good movie in my opinion, and alot of the better moments are past act 1. When movies like Beverly Hills Chihuahua are grossing 117 million, and this movie is barely making it's incredibly tiny budget back, making just above 200,000 in it's first two weeks in theaters, there's really a problem going on.

it's just bad vibes. it's very aggressive and angry, and seems unwarranted.



Maybe some Carolla fans have inflated the movie's ratings, personally I have never heard of him before. This was an excellent movie nevertheless, very amusing.

Life is just one damned thing after another - Elbert Hubbard


Im watching it now..pretty decent, but I don't think something can be overrated when 99.9999% of the world has never heard of it

listen to the receiving end of sirens.

