Hidden Nines and Hints Throughout Movie (DEFINITE SPOILERS)
A few have been mentioned in various posts so far including:
The hidden and not so hidden nines:
99 minute running time of the movie.
9 on the bus stop sign
It is the 90th incarnation of reality.
Repeatedly rolling nines in backgammon.
"You are meant to be with 9s (meaning attractive people)" from SSS.
In the third segment "Knowing", Gabriel's car has the license plate which reads "54P-X63". The numbers 5+4 and 6+3 both equal nine. P and X are nine letters apart in the alphabet.
Both Gabriel and Sierra have a "IX" tattoo. Sierra's is on her neck and Gabriel's is on his lower back.
In "The Prisoner" the paintings behind Gary when he is eating show the numbers 7 and 2 which add up to 9.
There are nine mousetraps on the floor when Gary steps on one of them.
I forgot the name of the cop show, but when it was on tv in the background some of the letters were replaced with the number 9.
Hints to the true nature of the protagonist (GGG):
"Ollie Ollie Oxen Free" from MMM.
"Su Casa es Su Casa" from MMM.
"Maybe I am God." from GGG
"I don't have a belly button...Does that mean I am unborn." from GGG
Did you guys find any more of them?