How can you "hate" a movie that you've never even seen? Instead of all the conclusions you jumped to, instead of listening to gossip from others or hearing their "translation" of what they saw (people all see different things). "Problems I have:" was a complete waste of time in both you typing it and me reading it. IF you're SO interested in hating the movie yet want answers regarding the movie, don't waste everyone's time when it would be more mentally connective for you to see the damn movie yourself. The wife was NOT a victim, she ENCOURAGED him, for the rest, go see the damn film.
"To my knowledge" no trans people were consulted blah blah blah. That is an easy enough question for you to research yourself. I would have a had time believing that Redmayne would act this part without talking with transgenders. Also, this is "based" on a book almost 100 years old. For authenticity, they would need to film it according to what was known about TG at THAT time. As for all this cis stuff, WTF? People are confused enough with transgendered people then you've got to throw in stuff to make it even more difficult to comprehend.
"There is too much emphasis on the surgery". The surgery scenes were minutes long. In the trailers they were featured more prominently to draw intrigue to the show. As for surgeries being a "miniscule part", would you say that 100 years ago when it was being performed for the FIRST TIME EVER? I would hardly think that was a miniscule deal back then.
Redmayne, brave? Where the Hell did you hear that? It's amazing the crap you're coming up with because you hate a film you refuse to see. Anytime a straight actor plays a part of being gay, kissing another man, wearing a dress and acting properly as a lady, there is some courage involved. Brokeback Mountain - you think Heath and Jake were just jumping up and down at the thought of kissing each other and cuddling together?
Oscar bait? WHY would you say that? Just because Redmayne was in it? The acting WAS superb, as was the wardrobe, cinematography, everything required for a movie to be nominated. As for transphobic? WTF? "Transphobia is a range of antagonistic attitudes and feelings against transgender or transsexual people, or against transsexuality. Transphobia can be emotional disgust, fear, anger or discomfort felt or expressed towards people who do not conform to society's gender expectations." This movie was about as far away from that as possible UNLESS you're throwing the attitudes of the time; immorality, perversion, mental sickness, disgust, hate - then yes, in THAT sense ONLY is the movie transphobic because it makes it REAL for the TIME IT WAS TAKING PLACE.
It truly amazes me the time and effort you put into questioning a movie and "hating" something so much that you haven't even bothered to see and, in fact, REFUSE to see. That makes no logical sense! "I hate this movie - I haven't seen it BUT from a 2 minute trailer, I know ALL that it's about", and finally "I hate this movie I refuse to see but would someone explain it to me, even though it's transphobic and even though it took place 100 years ago". Jesus, someone very close to me in my family is just coming out as transgender - and I certainly hope he's not going to be as skeptical and critical as you.