MovieChat Forums > Burn Notice (2007) Discussion > Burn Notice is Charlie.

Burn Notice is Charlie.

Was wondering if they'd end it with the viewers finding out who Michael Westen is talking to with his voiceovers in every episode. Really liked how they ended it with Charlie basically being the show. We've listened to Michael tell the show through Charlie's ears essentially. Thought that was cool even if it was a little cheesy. But that's kinda how the show was.... cool with a little bit of cheese lol.

Makes me smile thinking about an old Michael Westen telling Charlie about his grandma and father.

Great finale to a great series.



Excellent point.


I especially loved how they worked in quotes from the intro into the episode.


Yes!!!!! I love that. Awesome ending.

It's like you've taken half my self away with you.


Yeah, that was cool, the best part IMO.


I especially loved how they worked in quotes from the intro into the episode.

LOL! they have said those lines in the show previously.

But cool to see them reuse them again.


It also makes sense when you think about the tone of the show. The show has always had a lighthearted atmosphere and the characters always came off a bit like superheroes. It makes sense then that what we were seeing was really just how a slightly older Charlie chose to interpret and imagine Micheal's story.

And you know it's true because SpaceMonkey -> said so.


Burn Notice and How I Met Your Mother have something in common now I guess.


Never watched "How I Met Your Mother".

And you know it's true because SpaceMonkey -> said so.


I think it's pretty awkward when he tells him about the part that he got his dad killed. But maybe telling him the story in this way will make Charlie understand more.

Also, a side question, were those regurgitated quotes from the intro uttered in the pilot as well?


Most (if not all) of the quotes were from the pilot.

And you know it's true because SpaceMonkey -> said so.


I don't think Maddy's "someone needs you help, Michael" was from the pilot. IIRC, it was in episode 2 or 3.

Obviously, Jesse's "that's how we do it people" was not from the pilot because he was not a character in the story yet.



Burn Notice and How I Met Your Mother have something in common now I guess.

"How I killed your grandmother"

When there is no more room online, the nerds will walk the Earth


That's way too accurate.

And you know it's true because SpaceMonkey -> said so.


I guess I don't see it as Michael telling it through Charlie ears. But that's just me. The last scene essentially mimics the beginning of the series with Michael and Fiona together. A lot of satisfying stories do that. I look forward to watching the first ep again.

You don't have to be perfect to be good.
-Victor Davis Hanson


Hum, I always thought Michael would end up as a CIA instructor of some kind. An elite spy teacher if you will, and the voiceovers are his lectures.

But oh well, I guess the way they went wasn't terrible either.

I don't know, Butchie, instead.



That's funny. Having watched and loved Fight Club (also with a voice over narrator) I never spent a second wondering about the narration in Burn Notice. To me it was always just a story telling technique.

However, the end does add an extra dimension to it all.. Very nice to have the story rewritten backwards in your mind like that!


It's an interesting point.

I'd always taken it as narration to the viewer.

I dunno if I buy that he was always talking to Charlie and think my mind settles that it was indeed a narration to someone else that he's now using to explain to Charlie too.

Either way, both ways work.
