MovieChat Forums > Burn Notice (2007) Discussion > Jesse just destroyed the show

Jesse just destroyed the show

I quit watching a few seasons after he was added. And I was a die-hard fan. It was never the same.


ooh i loved the guy! and he added TO the show, at least for me.

they could split up and no one would have to be alone. they could pair off.

wish you had stayed, and not because of him, but you sure missed out on a lot.....


He was alright. I wanted him to have a love interest though but it never happened.


Yep. Jesse was a stupid story arc.


It was never the same because it made more sense now. Every time something happened to Mike & Sam, or Sam and Fiona, or Fiona and Mike, they only had one other person they could call to come rescue them. And while Sam or Fiona with a sniper rifle is great, when they needed to breech somewhere, it was kind of a joke.


Yeah, Jessie was terrible. Ruined the show. I also quit watching after awhile.

Now, when an unwanted/unnecessary character is added to a show I like, I call it "pulling a Jessie."


Jesse was a hard pill to swallow at first because they definitely tried to shoehorn him into everything. This was made worse because supposedly he was put on pencil pusher duty due to him being a "loose cannon" in the field. Maybe I'm the only one, but I just never bought it.

Not to mention the character came off as a whiney teenaged girl during the whole "I'm gonna find whoever burned me and kill them" story arc. Once they got passed that and kind of backed off the loose cannon angle he settled in quite nicely. So I think perhaps you should give him a shot.


It took a few eps for him to work well, but I think once they got past him beindg burned, it worked out much better. The show went bad when Fiona turned herself in for blowing up Dead Larry, even though obviously Mason set her up.

"Image of 'lovable losers' gets us more tail than Sinatra."---Chicago Cubs, Late Night Top 10


I have to admit I didn't care much for Jesse the first time I watched Burn Notice, but I'm about six episodes shy of completing my second go-around of the series and I have to say the guy's kinda grown on me a little bit...
...sort of like head lice, I suppose.
Anyway, for all you Jesse-haters out there, don't let your dislike for the character stop you from watching and enjoying Burn Notice.
I certainly didn't.


I watched from the start to the end and Jesse was like a "third wheel". He did his own thing. He just reacted without thinking. He ruined the "Smoothness" of the way the team worked. And as much as I couldn't stand Fiona, I'd rather watch her than Jesse. it's like he was forced down our throats! JESSE RUINED THE SHOW!
