MovieChat Forums > Se, jie (2007) Discussion > Perception about Asian male's sex appeal

Perception about Asian male's sex appeal

I am raising this subject for the sake of a rational discussion about the perception of Asian male's sex appeal.

Probably no one would dispute that Tony Leung's bold performance in the sex scenes in LC sets a precendent that for the first time an Asian male actor is portrayed as a hot-blooded sexaul being on the big screen. A few posters remark how hot Tony Leung looks. One cannot help but wonder if it would help to change the perception about the sexual image of Asian male in general, and in movies and TV in particular. Let's face it. Here in the U.S., if you ask anyone to quickly come up with a few adjectives to describe an Asain woman, most likely these would be the words: sensual, beautiful, mysterous, delicate, smart, etc.--mostly words implying pretty positive sexual connotation. Ask the same question about an Asian man, what would most people conjure up? Most likely: nerdy, wonkish, awkward, asexual, etc. Why? My theory is that the way Asian male and female is portrayed in the mass media is drastically different.

I just want to start this thread to provoke some discussion. Anyone with an opinion, please chime in.


I'd actually come up with majorly hot...

See Dir en grey for example. (Especially Kaoru) I don't know how folks can not be aware of the total hotness of Asian guys.

He said,
"Just put your feet down child,
'Cause you're all grown up now."



"on the subject of "size matters" lemme say that women who say it doesn't matter simply haven't had enough experience.

nuff said. "

If thats true, then we asian male should start complaining about Asian women pancake breast. LOL.



this word is no longer an appropriate term to describe asians(koreans,chinese,japanese,vietnamese) because it developed a negative connotatin from usage during the time racism was explicitly persistent. People are correct that the word itself is harmless. To better understand, one should draw a connection with the term "Neger" or "Negro" None African americans are forbidden from this term due to the context it was used back in the slavery and racist days though the word itself is not negative.


Everyone's going off-track and talking about penis sizes so I doubt my comment will be read but I would like to share my opinion anyhow. I am an Asian (Korean) female and I often shock non-Asians because of my sexually confident behavior. So it's not any easier to be an Asian woman, especially when you're being fetishized left and right and expected to be some kind of ninny.
I too loathe the media's portrayal of Asian men (Hollywood mostly) but I also blame the Asian men for not having the pride to refuse certain degrading roles. William Hung CHOSE to sell his horrific face and voice to the American media. Jackie Chan is also somewhat blameworthy and the Asian popstars?? Their androgyny makes me long for the old days when rugged men like Toshiro Mifune were the standard.
As for this penis argument, you all speak as if Asian men have pinky-sized ones because in all sincerity, it's not that big of a difference when you're having sex unless you consider yourself some kind of sex conoisseur. And even if the "statistics" are correct, an Asian man is all the more sexier if size does not decrease his masculinity.
A more realistic stereotype of Asian men would be genteel, professional, proud, a bit temperamental, but in all aspects sexy.


Well, regarding the movie itself, they did cast a very attractive young pop star (Wang Lee Hom) in a lead role. Regardless of whether you're into Asian guys or whatever, most people would say that Wang Lee Hom is a good-looking guy (relatively tall and well-built, which seems to refute the stereotypical Asian male). The character is also quite appealing, smart and has that whole fighting for freedom thing going for him. That's not a bad image for an Asian male at all.

I think someone like Wang Lee Hom could easily make a credible Hollywood leading man even paired with non-Asian love interests. For some reason, the Asian actors in Hollywood right now just don't have that going for them. Wang Lee Hom doesn't seem too interested in it even though he was raised in America and speaks perfect English. I think he crosses that threshold in that his race is almost irrelevant because he's just overall a handsome guy. It's like with Halle Berry-- even if you're not attracted to black women, pretty much everyone thinks she's beautiful.

Now if the main love story of this movie had been between Wei Tang and Wang Lee Hom, I think it'd be like "Titanic". Two young, attractive people hooking up in a movie works for audiences regardless of race. However, the focus of the film is on the young woman and the older man, who is I would say less attractive, shorter and overall, less sexually appealing than the young resistance leader. It makes for a more interesting story instead of the generic "two pretty people fall in love".



What about Philip Moon (Joy Luck Club) and what about the actor that was cruel to one of the auntie's in the flashback in the Joy Luck Club. He was hot. I tried to find his name in the credits, but couldn't. I would love to see him again. Remember the auntie falls for him when she was young and still living in China then he ends up being cruel. She's so sad she drowns her baby boy. When they first see each other. She's with friends and he's with a group of guys. He cuts into a watermelon and then sticks is tongue out licking it while looking at her. Now that alone was hot. And as me and sister agreed, "He was fiiiinnnnee". Also in the Bruce Lee story Jason Scott Lee had a couple of hot sex scenes. From my perspective, white males in general are threatened by the sexuality of males from other cultures and therefore, either over sexualized them (black males) or under sexualized them (Asian males) thereby removing their humanity as another posted stated. I haven't seen the sex scenes yet in this movie, but I can't wait. I like when I see Asian men break out of the mold. He humanizes them. But basically Asian actors and their agents have to campaign for parts that are not necessarily written for them. Black actors started doing that. The first part I can think of was the sargent role in An Officer and a Gentlemen. That part of written for a white male. Lou Gossett, Jr. got raves for his performance.


Ooooh that was Russell Wong. Even though he played an evil bastard in that film he was still hot.



Speaking as an Asian woman, I myself have never found many Asian men attractive, at least not the ones I've been around. I've had nothing but bad experiences with Asian men in my life, so I guess you could say I've been conditioned to not be attracted to Asian men from experience, not from popular media. I don't think media representation started or contributed that much to the stereotype of Asian men being nerds or asexual. There are quite a few sexy Asian guys whom most Americans would be familiar with: the two actors on Lost (forget their names), Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan is kind of sexy in his own quirky way, Ken Watanabe, Chow Yun Fat. That's not a lot but none of those vey famous Asian men are dorks or lack sex appeal at all imo. Stereotypes are based on some reality but then become generalizations due to lack of actual experience. It's like someone saying all gay guys are fruity and talk with a lisp, or all asians are good at math.

There are nerdy, perhaps asexual Asian men, sure. There are also very sexy Asian men. But that exists within any group, regardless. So why are Asian men perceived one way more than the other? Maybe the problem is imo many Asians feel they have to conform and not be different, and bad boys or rebels are usually perceived as more sexy. There's also the suppressive aspect, my experience growing up was that you never showed your emotions. That leads you to being more introverted which is not exactly helpful in attracting or getting close to someone. There was an Asian guy in my school who was very dorky but for some reason had a multitude of gfs, white included. He was a funny, extroverted guy, and girls are attracted to extroverted types.

I agree with what another poster said about Americans liking their sexuality obvious and cartoonish. I think American culture is way over-sexualized, whereas most Asian culture is more modest when it comes to sexuality, even if you're second generation.


Asian men asexual? 3 pages of posts and no one mentions Daniel Dae Kim?

Oh honey.
