The "hero" only accept those womans because he wants sex. The movie make the womens looks like idiots and all she have to offer is sex. But it´s a interesting film. It lacks of a good point to think about.
Why would this be a TrumanShow knock off? Both (Truman and Pleasentville) are about the media, especially TRUMAN SHOW was very focused on that. Me, being non-american, always feel like Truman in the USA when watching some TV. You know, we in Europe hear ORIGINALLY what the french president said, because we heard him say it. In America, some channels are "translating" his words, you don't See Chirac saying it, you don't hear Chirac, there's just a photo in the back and a reporter quoting something that in a lot of cases was pretty far off, not at all what Chirac said. Take Bush. About 5 years ago I made a trip through USA. Whenever Bush was announced on TV to "talk to the nation" you wouldn't see him and there's this very dramatic countdown every day, going "In 3 and a half days, THE PRESIDENT WILL TALK TO THE NATIONNNNN!!!" as if the president was a god or the first alien to make contact with, or a rockstar on stage, when they let the beats roll and let the audience wait to the last very moment before he appears in the middle of the stage. In every other country (except north korea I guess...) they just show the president spontanously, let him speak, and that's it. Sure they must translate him, but the original words are there too, so that anyone understanding the original language might disagree. That media thing in USA is called MANIPULATION. Truman feels something and feels like reacting to that: the whole TV program changes, showing faked accidents and fear-rising movie footages to scare and manipulate him. Just like in real life USA. There's nothing of that in Brysomme Mannen.
Pleasentville is also more about movie clichée against reality. BRYSOMME MANNEN is about our civilisation and its psychology, our social behaviour where everything only remotly 'negative' is ultimatly rejected. If you had a bad dream, that's already too negative to tell to people. The result is hidden frustration, very thin skin ("just tell me good things to make me feel good, otherwise I'll reject you."), people end up being suicidal.
That's exactly what's happening in my country. We used to have the highest rate of suicides. When my brother died some 12 years ago (throught suicide), NOBODY wanted to discuss it. Not even today, no matter he was one of their friends. Coming up with the subject was always very disturbing in this OH SO GREAT DAMN CLIQUE. A friend of mine had to make a decision about some job to accept, or to stay with the old one. This was pretty tough for her, so she had discussions with some people. That thing just made her nervous. SOme days later she realized they already started ignoring her, her friends made a sea trip or something and didn't ask her. That's so careless, so selfish, so superficial, but that's the majority of our society. If I could, I'd really like to behead every single so-called "friend" of mine nowadays. Are there any friends in this country even? Seems to me all they can talk about is the weather or some sports guy from the media. BORING, but hey, things seem right when discussing such damn crap. Just not to everyone. So you see, there's not really anything trumanish with BRYSOMMEN MANNEN. I also thought it was fakkin brilliant. It captured exactly my feelings about this shallow societiy I live in.
interesting, well that's a very shallow analysis of those two films. like ani difranco said "art imitates life but life imitates tv". the media is just a tool of the corporate brainwashing and it's quite successful at helping churn out ignorant senseless consumer robots. I might have also mentioned gattaca. to be honest I only saw parts of this film, they gave me an impression of one unoriginal idea stretched out over an uninspired poorly executed pretentious art film structure, particularly didn't fancy the business with the weird boring women. I do admire the basic intent, although it seems the point went completely over many viewers' heads, some earlier in this thread suggested the problem is indicated by a lack of multifarious sex positions may I ask where you're from?
I didn't totally "analyze" the other films. Just where the comparisons don't work in regard to BOTHERSOME MAN, wiseguy. You're still pretty smart, I'm sure. Feel good now?
And: "to be honest I only saw parts of this film"
...then watch it to the end, you idiot. Doing wise wanna-be statement about something you don't even know is what I really like the most in movie forums. Calling me shallow. Worst not-joke ever. What an idiot you must be.
calm down there buddy, no need to get nasty. didn't hold my attention ok, still got a fairly thorough impression I think. please don't make me watch again.
Not even remotly. Watching some minutes and calling it a rip-off. "similiar" maybe, but rip-off? You're not as clever as your mom told you, sorry. Why don't you do your anger management elsewhere? Facebook for example. It's the perfect place for people who watch the world throught keyholes and nontheless feel like the king of the world. Hooray for dilettantism!
And I'm worried about mankind whilst reading crap like yours.
EDIT: Ok, I realized, the truman comparison was more a question of yours. Appropriate answer should have been NO it's not. My excuse, I'm the ass, white flag! But I'm Swiss, we - basically - suck!
(Apologies for interupting your rant and getting back to the original topic) I don't think women are objectified in this film. Rather, it's just that sex is extremely casual and trivialised, a bit like in Brave New World. Is it a way of easing social tensions like in BNW? Or is it just because everybody is so bored, but does not even know it? The parable with our contemporary Western society is nontheless very fitting, in that it shows that sex - as opposed to love-making - is just routine and devoid of emotions. Very thought-provoking and disturbing film, though some bits I found a little predictable (chopping his finger off when staring at that machine, getting sent back to the petrol station where he first arrived). I personnally think it's more like a statement on our plastic society where a Platonic hero almost frees society from it's meaningless routine. Nothing new, but the way it's made, as well as the strange ending, makes it really interesting.
Just reading this thread. You made me laugh, advising the other person to do anger management while that person keeps calm the entire time and you the one are that gets offended for the tiniest things. You are a joke!
He wasn't just after sex. Don't you remember when he professed his love to the second girl, and how disappointed he was when she didn't seem to care? Or how dejected he was when he tried to tell his first girlfriend about his dream?
He was trying to connect to someone, anyone, and failing. The physical connection was there, but no passion behind it.