MovieChat Forums > Angels & Demons (2009) Discussion > Are Atheists Really That Upset Over Reli...

Are Atheists Really That Upset Over Religion?

If you haven't noticed the Illuminati guy was clearly an atheist and I'm marveled how he stole the "God Particle" and decided to use it to bomb a Church... Really? Why not steal it to use it as energy for the world? This movie sort of proves how the majority of atheists are immoral jerks. I like the professor though but then again he's an agnostic, the agnostics are always peaceful and intelligent too.


This movie sort of proves

I literally stopped reading after that phrase. since you managed to set up an IMDb account, I'm assuming you're not 5, because that might be the only excuse for believing that a Hollywood movie proves anything.

What's Spanish for, "I know you speak English"?
-Lucille Bluth


It's not that us atheists get upset over religion, it's more that we get upset over religious groups ramming religious rubbish down our throats. God forbid we ever do that to you! That would be front page news!

Live and let live. You, religious. Me, atheist. Can't we just leave it at that?

It's just not the same without Grissom, Sarah and Warrick.....especially Warrick - yum!


trouble most religions have rules and laws that are outdated and evil and until those religious people get those laws into their societies they wont be happy.

gay marriage is the perfect example.

it is a violation of human rights not to allow homosexuals to marry and benefit in the same way to heterosexuals.

but because it says so in the bible (although i suspect this is just a cover for people who dont like the idea of it, due to their own bigoted ideas) these religious people want to enforce their ancient beliefs on everyone else.

religion is almost the only way that bigots can protect their ideas without being called out by too many people. therefore these bigots will say god agrees with them and wont stop until they get their laws passed - if they dont just usually cry 'opression'.

most secularists want religion out of politics, law and government, because individual religions just dont care about every memeber of that society. most religions want everybody to adhere to their rules, without any real justification.

until religion is a totally private matter, I, and most secualrist, humanitarians, atheists and anti-theists cant and wont rest.

however, im upset that religion forces people to stop using their intelligence (eve ate from the tree of knowledge in chapter 1) and forces them to be sheep and not to question. these are horrific and medieval things to teach kids.


atheiests are "immoral" because they don't believe in fantasy, hearsay, interpretations, and inferences?


im an atheist but i don't tell billions of people that using condoms acutally spreads aids. thats more immoral than an unlikely movie plot right?

And with a comment like that a typical one.

Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar.


How are most atheists jerks ??



Atheists don't care one way or another what religion you follow or if you even follow a religion. However religious people always have their heads up their asses and tell the rest of the world what sinners we are.

You really think so?

I honestly think that for some time, the tables have been turned. I have friends who are atheists and friends who are religious (Catholic, Christian, and Muslim), and as someone who fits somewhere in the middle, whether it be agnostic or whatever, I've found that atheists are VERY preachy in trying to disprove people who are religious and believe in god, making fun of them, and constantly telling them how wrong and stupid they are.

I kind of believe in a god, because I think there are things in life that cannot be explained, and to put all your faith in mankind and say that 'we know it all', is somewhat arrogant. Simply put, the limits of gaining knowledge are limitless. No one in this world knows the answers to EVERYTHING, and never will.

Another thing I've noticed, is that alot of HARDCORE atheists tend to bash conspiracy theorists, or those who don't put trust in what we are told in the media. When Obama's capture of Bin Laden aired on TV, I find it so difficult to believe that people would believe him. He provided no evidence whatsoever, just walked up to the camera, said he was captured and killed, buried at sea (?!!), end of story.

Now why on earth should I believe this? Remember when Bush and Blair and many other presidents lied about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Before the troops were sent in, they publicly said that 'we are 100% certain that Saddam is hiding weapons of mass destruction and is providing them to the Taliban'.

When they came back, they were questioned, and said 'erm, no, I didn't say that for definite, I said maybe they had weapons of mass destruction and we were going in to investigate' (and also killing thousands of innocent human lives in the process).

Now, stick with me for a bit. Because alot of atheists DID believe that Obama had Bin Laden captured. But where was the evidence? All of a sudden, if you think bull sh** you never got him, your just saying that to get votes in the upcoming election because you have done *beep* all for your country since you were elected, the gullible would vote him again because he did something Bush wasn't able to do. Then all of a sudden, your mocked as a 'conspiracy theorist', just because you didn't believe his words, and wanted some kind of evidence.

My best friends friend, who also doesn't believe in it, told his friend who is an absolute hardcore, propagandist atheist, was asked by my friend 'mate, you've known me for ten years now, you know I've never ever lied to you, but if I told you I saw a ghost, or a UFO, would you believe me?' He said, no. 'But you WOULD believe the president of the US, who you've never met before, who even pulled the strings like many before him to get to where he was and lied about his origin, you would believe him that he killed Bin Laden'? He said- yes.

It's this kind of faith in the human race, that mankind (including scientists) has all the answers and isn't capable of lying or making mistakes, that just really annoys me. I'm not saying ALL atheists are like this, but come on! Haven't you already witnessed the many, many flaws that lie within the teachings and biased facts presented by humans?

The more popular atheism is becoming, the hardcore ones who believe everything that the media and mankind presents them with, the more preachy they're getting.

If you were to consider that religious people are 'preachy', then propagandist atheists are becoming equally so.

And as for saying that agnostics who do kind of believe in god (at least in my case, as not everything can be proven by man), I'm getting rather fed up of many atheists saying that 'I'm sitting on the fence, I SHOULD either take the side of the religious, or the atheists', I call bull. I believe in a creator (a god), and I'm comfortable with that, I just don't think he should be praised merely for creating us. Because, it seems, he hardly gives a sh!t about us, does he?

And for the record, I believe that religion should be kept WAY out of politics. That's something that I wholeheartedly agree on with atheists.


I think you'll find if you asked any real Athiest - not fictional ones as depicted in this movie - you'll find that not one of us would actually condone the complete destruction of any religion, Christianity included.

We have no fight with Santa, the Tooth Fairy or even the Easter Bunny in this respect.

What we are trying to inhibit - NOT destroy - is the influence that religion wields over the sick, poor, uneducated and young, as well as the power it has to sway governments into fulfilling its agenda.

As the for agnostisism vs. atheism debate, again you'll find that most atheists are agnostic atheists, meaning that yes, YES! The Westboro Baptist church might be 100% correct in their theology! Or maybe the Muslims have got it right! Or maybe the Wiccans have the truth to existance.

Unfortunately every religion on earth is equal in that they have never met their burden of proof regarding their insistence for the existance of their respective deity or deities and therefore, until the time comes when they have any credible evidence to support such claims, I personally (I am not speaking on behalf of any other atheist) disbelieve such claims and am confident to state that there is not such thing as god or gods, never has and never will be.

Silly film by the way.



Atheism has nothing to do with faith. Where are you getting this from?

Agnosticism deals with knowledge, atheism with belief.

You can be both. For example, I am an atheist and I am both gnostic and agnostic, depending on the god.

You make a bold claim that most atheists know there is no god. You have just asserted that without any evidence.

Most atheists don't care about religion, and most of them will be agnostic because they don't know enough about the religions to say their know or not if that god exists.

I'm tired of agnostics not admitting theyre atheists.
