Does the naked mile really excist??



i still wonder why other countries use American movies to base their assumptions on Americans...

can i call that stupid?

This is A Sig
IMDB...its not fanboard



Yeah, it takes place on the first rain of the Fall Quarter. I did it in 2001 and 2002. It starts on the west side of campus and goes to the east. When I did it, the school even provided extra buses to get the naked people back to their respective areas, and surprisingly, those buses were packed (with naked people who have just run a long way in the rain).


The University Of Kent in England do it.


learn how to spell.


Looks like it dose. They had in in one of the Friday Nigh Light episodes a few years back. BTW (to the people who make comments on spelling). Some people are not great spellers or might be @ an age where they don't know how to spell certian words or it could be just a typo the person did not catch so give it a rest.


Yes,it exists on many campuses, including major reputable universities, i.e. U of Michigan. You can sometimes find uncensored videos on YouTube, if they're posted as news footage. The event is a chance for students to relieve tension after a year of studying. The people who participate may surprise you, and are not necessarily the Girls-Gone-Wild types. Many are normally geeky or even considered shy or conservative. And unlike the portrayal in this movie, the percentage of male and female is usually pretty even. Many similar events are also done as fundraisers for a good cause, although those often have underwear.


Here's a video from a participant.

you can also find video compilations for sale
