MovieChat Forums > Jericho (2006) Discussion > The clickbait, why was this show cancell...

The clickbait, why was this show cancelled ... I looked ...

OK, so here is some of it so that you do not have to endure the ads and the constant click-throughs.

Despite the rabid devotion of a group of dedicated fans, Jericho was canceled—not once, but twice in its two short seasons from 2006 through 2008, it remains one of the most beloved cult TV shows in recent memory.

Coming in the middle of the second Bush administration, with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq still raging and the effects of 911 the series was destined to be a lightning rod for controversy.

Network executives got the brilliant idea to split TV seasons in half rather than run the season straight through from beginning to end. By the time it returned, Jericho had forfeited much of its momentum, losing nearly two million viewers.

CBS president Nina Tassler tipped the network's hand when she said in a statement that they hoped to "develop a way to provide closure to the compelling drama that was the Jericho story." Fans didn't want closure —they wanted the show to continue. But when CBS "renewed" the series, they were just planning to end it a second time all along.

The possibility a jump in ratings might make the network consider bringing it back full-time. That hope was dashed, though, before the second season even aired because the Writers Guild of America went on strike—and while all seven scripts for the new season were already completed before the strike started, there was no way for the showrunners to plan any follow-up material.

Jericho became one of Hollywood's first high-profile victims of piracy, as the first three episodes were leaked online before the season premiere.

Though it's been more than eight years since Jericho went off the air, the passion lives on among the show's fans and creators. Though it seems unlikely at this point that Jericho will ever return to the air, one thing is certain: it enjoyed a level of fan fervor that many shows would love to achieve. It seems as though fate—and insufficient support from the network—doomed Jericho to failure from the start.


What do you think of this? Did you like the show and want it to continue? I liked it. Somehow the closer a TV show is to something real, the more likely it is to get shut down - in my opinion. I wonder if the powers that be just do not like anything that provokes any thought or discussion amongst Americans.


Bush administration and those other events had nothing to do with the show.

Network doesn't care about ratings they claim to do so buts it's BS many shows have gone on for years with poor ratings yet ones which have following get canned before first season is even over.

You may want to listen to the people who was involved with the show have to say it is good idea to listen to all parties to built the picture of events.

Jericho will not return.

When it comes to networks lots of politics at play.

I enjoyed some of the show but some of the writing was very poor.

I can't stand simple errors here is one straight away in the show Greene has the flu yet his symptoms do not really fit that and they no problem allow him to be around lots of people next they give him antibiotics. (later on they claim he has something else)

The electrical fire was stupid as well.

Not going to get into Stanley crops suddenly are infested.


I’m binging the show now and the first season was too long with too many soap opera storylines antics, and like most shows the producers were hoping for another 7 season LOST hit but splitting the season in two took the wind out of it …. By the time there was a second season it was just 8 episodes that at least got to what should have in the first: getting into the Hawkins & ASA/USA/Texas civil war


To each their own, but I enjoyed every moment of the show. Unfortunately, science-fiction doesn't do well on network TV.


Science Fiction?


Yep. There was a push to get the SyFy channel to continue the series after CBS cancellation, but they refused.

I just found out Lazarus Project has been cancelled after only two seasons. Another sci-fi bites the dust. : (


I finished the second series and it was ridiculous compared to the first just as bad as La Brea ended


LOL! Both Brea and Lazarus are bad in a good, fun, campy and entertaining way.

It's funny because I'm in the middle of watching Lazarus, but forgot which episode I'm up to and I can't rely on watching the first few minutes to see if it's familiar. Darn time loops!!!


I vividly remember the marketing in anticipation for the series premiere. The hype was unreal. I loved the first episode but it didn't take long before I had become increasingly bored. Episodes just seemed to stray away from anything interesting and the 'whodunnit?' conspiracy was become more convoluted with each episode. That's why I tuned away. The last episode I remember involved Skeet Ulrich and Lennie James sneaking into some secret facility, and they cock their shotguns anytime something spooky happens! I thought that was hilarious. Did the director not know you can only cock a shotgun once without firing it? But the cheese factor was so high I just couldn't take it anymore. What were they even doing in some facility? Aren't they two randos?


I saw this. I thought it was pretty good. I thought the inter-town/county wars were unique and had not really been done before. This is Donald Trump's supporters vision for America.
