MovieChat Forums > Jericho (2006) Discussion > Mistakes and unrealistic things about Je...

Mistakes and unrealistic things about Jericho

Okay, maybe there are already dozens of threads and posts about this, but i don't really care and i don't want to search.
I started watching all the episodes of jericho again 2 weeks ago and now have reached the final of season one.

So.. heres a quick list of things that bugged me the most:

-- First off, the terrorist, anarchists or whoever "blew up" those cities used 20kt bombs (repeat: 20 kilotons! thats about as much as was used in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, and those cities only had about 150,000 to 200,000 people each!!!) for their attacks. Those bombs could NEVER EVER take out a city the scale of Chicago, New York, Denver or Los Angeles. Washington DC might be another story because its much smaller, but not even Washington would be "wiped out" as it was stated in the series so often.
You can check the effects here: Set your yield, chose your city or pick your coordinates from google maps and go. You will see, a 20kt bomb would barely take out Manhattan...
I'm not considering radiation or fires from heat radiation here (which, in ground burst of a yield that low, would most likely be not that destructive)

-- Second. A nuclear air burst creating an EMP burst so powerful to take out the whole United States teritory has to take place in about 200 miles height. No terrorist plane could EVER reach this height, and i highly doubt that the terrorist got their hands on one of the ICBM silos. Because in that case, they could have really wiped out those cities in the first place ;) (taking into consideration that most of modern ICMBs carry MIRVs, that can similary strike on up to 10 targets each.
However, it might be possible that the EMP burst attack was some sort of counter attack by North Korea or Iran. Not very realistic, but still possible...

-- Third. More like a funny mistake the crew made i think (don't know if its on the goofs page, was too lazy to look it up). After the electric power, food and other ressources run out, everyone is using candles to make light. Apparrently, Jericho has an unlimited stock of candles or some kind of hidden candle factory, as they never run empty in those two months ^^ (and they use plenty of them in every room)

-- Next thing.. if the rain from the fallout was really radioactive, so must have been the crops, the earth and everything else the rain came into contact with. The rain of course must not have been (highly) radioactive because Stanley survived beeing exposed for about 20 minutes. But IF IT WAS, all plants, crops, the top layer of earth and clay and, in the worst case, even the ground water would have been polluted.
This is not that bad, as you can just wash the dirt away from the buildings (with radioactive water :D) and carry of the polluted earth. They just should not eat the crops. Oh well...

Well, i can' remember any more points to add right now, but feel free to add yours, comment or flame me down because i challenged fiction again...



Yea, if a 20kt nuclear bomb was detonated at ground level in lower manhattan, those on the upper end of central park wouldnt even be affected.


Except by that prick, who brings his gun to your house and kills you so he has a new comfortable place.


Too damn lazy to comment on most of that, plus I'm still catching the couple dozen episodes I missed the first go round as reruns now on WB and SCI-FI. But I will say this, in regards to the issue of weapons and ordnance supply/availability: Y'all must o' never been to country/boonies/redneck town, or you'd have a much better idea of the plethora of arms likely to be found. Granted, Jericho's in Kansas, not in Arizona, where there are more registered firearms than population (and this in a state that *doesn't * actually * require* guns to be registered under most circumstances). Still and all, they're definitely backwoods folk. That being the case, you're gonna find tons of weapons, ranging from .22's clear up 30-06, .308, even .50's. Everything from pistols to scoped huntin' rifles to civilian model Stoner-Type rifles and carbines (AR15, et al) to civvie-mod Barret Light 50's. And probably quite a few quasi-legal or illegal class 3 and military grade small arms. And some explosives. Then there's always some ol' Coot dun left half 'is marbles in Nam, and apparently managed to steal half a base armory and smuggle it back in 'is britches or somethin' when 'e come home. Every country town's got at least one o' these guys. I can purty much guarantee ya they'd a likely had enough small arms to supply a short battalion of light infantry.


And they WOULD know how to use them... I stated before, it bugged the hell out of me that no one, even with scoped 30 cals, could hit the broad side of a barn door.

A man sized target at anything less than 300 yards is finished if the shooter is competent, has familiar gear and time to aim.


I'll also say this: People, use your imagination a little. There are going to a lot of blanks to fill in, a lot of discontinuity, there always will we, this is hollywood. And yes, there are a great many thoroughly unrealistic bits and pieces to be found. I myself have a tendency to sit and nitpick, as I have a naturally analytical mind, and I'm incredibly observant. Furthermore, I have knowledge and experience in a great many fields, and I'm pretty well-learned. I can sit and take apart an entire movie, pick out nonsense in every scene. (Probably why most of my buddies don't care to watch movies with me very often, hehe) By and large, though, Jericho does it relatively decent job of balancing out inaccuracies and nonsense with excellent entertainment value, and a purty darn good plot. It usually manages to keep me fairly well hooked, and entertained enough that I can overlook most of the BS. Hell, at least they aren't getting all hokey and supernatural and crap, like so many other series have, after the writers apparently ran out of ideas or just plumb got lazy (Seaquest DSV, anyone?).

Given the current trend of hollywood quality, I figger Jericho dun a purty darn good job, all things considered. Anyone else noticed the volume of B-grade movies and series these days with constant pisspoor portrayals alleged Special Operations Forces and lazy, halfassed, untalented acting? I was (am) an officer in the Marine Corps, and spent the majority of my active duty service in the nitty-gritty world of hardcore special ops, and the ridiculous halfassed portrayal of what is supposed to be a group of highly trained elite SOF troops is utterly absurd. I wish someone would ban the portrayal of such in productions that are simply too damned lazy and halfassed to even *try* and get it right. This flood of B-movie thriller/horror/monster flicks on SCI-FI that always seem to involves supposed special ops teams is drivin' me insane. Who the hell ever heard of of a six (!) man CAG (Combat Applications Group, AKA Delta Force) fireteam? And I've never heard of an SOF unit that accepted applicants with a marksmanship hit percentage of about 20%, have apparently never heard of fire discipline or burst fire, and evidently don't know how to operate the fire selector switch on their rifle (safety? We don't no need no stinkin' safety! Leave it on full-auto, rock and roll, let's spray and pray, baby!).

Er, right. I'll stop now. I'm so far off topic, I'm not sure I remember what the topic was. So without further ado, I reckon I'll hit that little down down at the bottom that says "post reply".

P.S. This wonderful rambling rant was brought to you by insomnia. Anyone got a sleeping pill?


(Probably why most of my buddies don't care to watch movies with me very often, hehe)

Maybe they go to a movie to WATCH it. ;)


My biggest beef.. looking past the obvious lack of firepire on the nuke side (the us infrastructure would still remain.. for sure) is the filming location and their sorry SORRY attempt at winter when it comes around. The endless montage of scenes with mountains and steep hilly areas is pretty silly... and the winter eps are just ridiculous.



I new we were in trouble when views of the mushroom cloud included a mountain range, which appeared to come between the blast and the town of Jericho, '100 miles away".

The closest point from Denver to the Kansas state line is about 170 miles, and there are no mountains on the east side of Denver .... plains to the east, mountains to the west.


The biggest question I had was about planes. They talked about Jake learning to fly on a crop-duster. With all those farms wouldn't there be a crop-duster or other plane somewhere near them that a pilot could use to scout out the area? Could have been a good episode having Jake flying around and getting shot down.


Actually, they did show a small airport near town. Jonah Prowse's gang was holed up there.


Aircraft use a special grade of fuel and with no more fuel coming, they would have to ration it very carefully. Going up to take a joyride to look around would burn up a lot of fuel just getting off the ground and up to altitude.


I found the entire episode about the fake soldiers to be the worst. Why take a tank which uses 6 gallons per mile to drive around to all the small towns to fool people? Can you even put normal petrol into a tank and get it to work?


The M1 can burn practically anything petrol based for fuel.


It has to have a minimum of 78 octane.


so...what you're saying is I shouldn't have dumped a 50 gallon drum of Vaseline into the tank for refueling????

I gotta go find an to the mess. Yeah, the mess. That's the ticket.


If you poured acetone into the vaseline to thin it and make it a bit less viscous, then I'm sure that it would run but it would smoke like a chimney.


But still, why take a tank that requires that much fuel? Why not just take a few humvees or something?


For the reason they invented tanks about a hundred years ago. Because tanks can do things humvees can't even come close to doing. ;)


"if the rain from the fallout was really radioactive, so must have been the crops, the earth and everything else the rain came into contact with. The rain of course must not have been (highly) radioactive because Stanley survived beeing exposed for about 20 minutes. But IF IT WAS, all plants, crops, the top layer of earth and clay and, in the worst case, even the ground water would have been polluted.
This is not that bad, as you can just wash the dirt away from the buildings (with radioactive water :D) and carry of the polluted earth. They just should not eat the crops. Oh well..."

Actually, they studied fallout a lot before they banned atmospheric tests, and fallout where rain falls is strange. Some areas will get heavily radioactive rain while others will get harmless rain. Rain falling through fallout tends to sort of "clean" the fallout, concentrating it in some places and removing it from others.


The fact that the EMP burst was never explained was one of the most annoying loose ends of the whole series, for me. I didn't care in the first season, because it just added to the overall mystery, but in the second season, when everything was revealed, they just left out that part of the story. To cause EMP disruption on that scale, you need a missile that can get a (very large - more than 20 kt certainly) warhead into space, so if the terrorists were shuttling their bombs in trucks, it implies that they didn't have any ICBMs stashed somewhere. Also, if an EMP was part of the attack plan, why wait until several days after the attack on the cities?

It seems there are only two semi-plausible explanations. The first is that the rogue elements within the U.S. government working with J&R somehow launched the missile. However, since only the President has the power (and the codes) to order the use of nuclear weapons, and the President at the exact moment of the EMP was preparing to go on live TV, it seems doubtful that he was responsible. It is theoretically possible, especially given the destruction of Washington D.C., that someone managed to bypass the President's authority, but even then, Russia, China, the UK, etc. - all the nations which have satellite monitoring - would have seen that the missile was launched from the U.S. itself. You would think that they would have informed the American government: "Hey guys, do you realize that your electrical grid was just fried by one of your own missiles?" This would have tipped off the surviving U.S. government in the East that there were traitors in their midst, which they clearly didn't know until the end of season 2.

The second possibility is that another nuclear power detonated the EMP, perhaps trying to prevent the American counterstrike on North Korea and Iran. Iran has no nukes yet and although North Korea has a few, they have no missiles capable of reaching the U.S. So it would have been Russia or China, most likely. This still seems rather implausible, since it would mean that Russia or China were risking sparking a nuclear conflict with the U.S. for the sake of other nations - a bit too altruistic, methinks.

In the end, I guess we just have to remember: it's just a TV show.

As far as the candles go, I seem to remember a scene in one episode where people are shown making candles, but I could be wrong. I guess it would give everyone something to do now that they can't watch TV. :^)


I thought the EMP was explained. One of the ICBM's launched by the Cheyenne govt exploded above the US, causing the emp, the purpose being to hinder recovery efforts started by the remains of the old federal govt.


I speculated Cheyenne caused the EMP though in the show it was never explained possibly cause Season 2 was cut from 22 episodes down to 7. Maybe the comic and movie will answer that question.

Also the 20kt nukes were mostly just meant to disrupt things. There was one in Washington and that alone destroyed the government. The other targets were other major economic and political targets. Even a small blast would render the cities unsafe. Surely they and the surrounding areas would be evacuated thus the 40 million homeless 15 million dead, which I still feel is a realistic number given the circumstances.


A very entertaining show but it is extremely unrealistic and riddled with plot holes.
I'd like to see a show with the same premise but with a lot of effort put into realism.


If a Bomb was to go off in the heart of any city it would be considered a total lost.


It bugs me how it seems that the troops in the AS military are so loyal to a new nation when the US still exists, I don't think it would happen. From the servicemen and women I know, Duty, Honor, and Country mean something to them. To that end, how many troops are still going to fight when they find out that their new leaders are really lying traitors? Secondly, Civil War II doesn't look to be that competitive anyway. The US Navy is still a viable fighting force. Sure Norfolk was toasted, but a 20Kt device would have to be detonated on the Naval Station to hurt the fleet. Even if the Naval Station was destroyed, NAS Oceana (13 miles east) with Air Wings 1, 3, 7, and 8 is still there and operational. Not to mention that 6 Ohio Class Boomers with 24 Tridents aboard each with up to 8 independent warheads are based at King's Bay, GA, nowhere near any attack site. These units and locations are just a minute few of the hundreds of military installations that would be up and running once the chain of command is restored.


you said it right, once the chain of command is restored. after 911, was it spain or italy that patrolled the border of the US? you know in CA, they are falling apart, and some states are printing there own money. its starting to look alot like Jericho dont you think?


some states are printing there own money. its starting to look alot like Jericho dont you think?

Okay, first to correct your grammar:
some states are printing their own money. It's starting to look a lot like Jericho, don't you think?
Really, the english language isn't that difficult. Try learning German.

But what I really wanted to do was ask what your source for that claim was. First, no, they're not. Second, even if they did, nobody would accept it. Hell, Parker Bros. prints its own currency for the game Monopoly.

It's too bad she won't live...but then again, who does?



then again the US caused 9/11 thanks to Bush and the Gov.

Yea, and the moon landings were faked, wrestling is real (oh sorry wrasslin), FDR knew about Pearl Harbor, and tin foil hats block mind probes.



You're just a moron.



The atomic bomb that exploded 580 meters above Hiroshima was powered by the splitting of 855 grams of uranium. The energy released was equivalent to 15,000 tons of TNT.
The splitting of uranium nuclei generated both initial radiation (gamma rays and neutrons) and residual radiation. The neutron radiation lasted a brief instant. The initial gamma rays remained at a dangerous levels for approximately 20 seconds.



How the hell do you set up a Texas embassy when the separate countries aren't even completely formed yet? How can a school text book be revised and mass printed in a couple of months? For me these were not little things, although I loved everything about season 1. But season 2 asked too much of me to suspend my disbelief and I think it is brutal, the show was cancelled at the right time.


Season two had to push a lot of things - like the establishment of a new govt., the meteoric rise of J&R, etc., into a much smaller window because they were only given a handful of episodes. Had the writers and producers been given a full season to fully develop those things, it would not have seemed so rushed. Of course, we were lucky to get Season two at all.

[EDIT] corrected a typo.
It's kill or be killed....and I don't want to be killed.


The original storyline for a full season 2 called for the town staying in the dark ages for a much longer period of time. The seven episodes that were produced were largely borrowed from the second half of the season. The first half was to include a story arch that had Jake and Hawkins travelling to Columbus and New York City, where Hawkins would meet up with his contacts in the U.S. government. Along the way they were going to pass through some of the cities that were hit by the bombs. Too bad we missed all that.

But Dad, it's Smokey!


I saw an awesome interview with Stephen Chbosky where he said that Season One was intended to be about the town, Season Two about the national situation, and Season Three about the global repercussions. How awesome would that have been? Wish I could find the link.
It's kill or be killed....and I don't want to be killed.
