Mistakes and unrealistic things about Jericho
Okay, maybe there are already dozens of threads and posts about this, but i don't really care and i don't want to search.
I started watching all the episodes of jericho again 2 weeks ago and now have reached the final of season one.
So.. heres a quick list of things that bugged me the most:
-- First off, the terrorist, anarchists or whoever "blew up" those cities used 20kt bombs (repeat: 20 kilotons! thats about as much as was used in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, and those cities only had about 150,000 to 200,000 people each!!!) for their attacks. Those bombs could NEVER EVER take out a city the scale of Chicago, New York, Denver or Los Angeles. Washington DC might be another story because its much smaller, but not even Washington would be "wiped out" as it was stated in the series so often.
You can check the effects here: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/gmap/hydesim.html. Set your yield, chose your city or pick your coordinates from google maps and go. You will see, a 20kt bomb would barely take out Manhattan...
I'm not considering radiation or fires from heat radiation here (which, in ground burst of a yield that low, would most likely be not that destructive)
-- Second. A nuclear air burst creating an EMP burst so powerful to take out the whole United States teritory has to take place in about 200 miles height. No terrorist plane could EVER reach this height, and i highly doubt that the terrorist got their hands on one of the ICBM silos. Because in that case, they could have really wiped out those cities in the first place ;) (taking into consideration that most of modern ICMBs carry MIRVs, that can similary strike on up to 10 targets each.
However, it might be possible that the EMP burst attack was some sort of counter attack by North Korea or Iran. Not very realistic, but still possible...
-- Third. More like a funny mistake the crew made i think (don't know if its on the goofs page, was too lazy to look it up). After the electric power, food and other ressources run out, everyone is using candles to make light. Apparrently, Jericho has an unlimited stock of candles or some kind of hidden candle factory, as they never run empty in those two months ^^ (and they use plenty of them in every room)
-- Next thing.. if the rain from the fallout was really radioactive, so must have been the crops, the earth and everything else the rain came into contact with. The rain of course must not have been (highly) radioactive because Stanley survived beeing exposed for about 20 minutes. But IF IT WAS, all plants, crops, the top layer of earth and clay and, in the worst case, even the ground water would have been polluted.
This is not that bad, as you can just wash the dirt away from the buildings (with radioactive water :D) and carry of the polluted earth. They just should not eat the crops. Oh well...
Well, i can' remember any more points to add right now, but feel free to add yours, comment or flame me down because i challenged fiction again...