stupid ending
i can't help but feel extremely let down by the ending of this film. it was so random and pointless. the rest of the film was good and i had invested a good hour and 30 into this film to see what the ending was going to be like. the fact that it was all monsters was pathetic. it was like the writers couldn't think of anything better so lets just put something completely unbelievable into quite a believable story up until that point. from then i didnt even care that the fiance died and he had his tongue ripped out due to the fact that there were monsters. the film completely lost me at this point. also it is ridiculous that leon decides to join them and become the next serial killer. why would you do that? why not run to the police show them you dont have a tongue and tell them what the fk happened. i highly rate this film in terms of quality and gore though. very scary parts