MovieChat Forums > Lars and the Real Girl (2007) Discussion > The most unrealistic part of the movie.....

The most unrealistic part of the movie...

I'll believe that the whole town tolerated Lars.
I'll believe that Lars could get away with calling an ambulance for a plastic doll.
What I WON'T believe is that Margo (Kelli Garner's character) wasn't gettin' any.
Even with the frumpy clothes you could see that she's built like a brick **** house.
Only in the movies are girls like that waiting around for good old Lars to come to his senses.
Are you with me on this one guys?


when Lars says she was elected to the school board I laughed but then immediately thought "who the hell would vote for a sex doll?"

laughs are cheap, I'm going for gasps



I'll believe that Lars could get away with calling an ambulance for a plastic doll.

I won't.

This is where the magic happens... and by "magic", I mean nothing.


I thought this was a refreshing take on small towns. Granted I don't think Lars' situation would've been met with universal acceptance anywhere, even in the most accepting communities, but it breaks away from the stereotypical small town bigotry. I would take this story over some "I need to find myself even though I'm 30 yrs old" set in NYC/LA or a road/backpacking trip while the confused character meets "liberated" souls that show him/her the way.

I do not, at all, support movies that obviously gives the "middle finger" to the Midwest or small towns in general. Lars and the Real Girl is the "middle finger" to those who do the residents of said locations injustice.


I find it unrealistic that a woman would be romantically interested in him. Having a blow up doll isn't exactly something you want people knowing about. I'm sure majority of women would find this a major red flag, that they have problems. If you don't believe me, go out to a bar and try it on someone.


Margo 'gettin' some' was not important, but I agree no woman in her right mind would be interested in Lars. In Nazi Germany and South Carolina they'd have sterilized them both.
Margo however, though not as off the rail, clearly has some arrested development issues, so that ups the possibility. She may also have a similar fixation on Lars that he has with the doll.
While it's true men can be more fickle than women, it's also true It would be much more common for men to be interested in women with Lar's problem and wait around for her, because men deviate much more from the norm than women.
I saw a documentary on BBC about these people b4 this movie and it had a normal seeming guy that was having sex with helicopters and cars and described graphic details. Really now women?REALLY?


Somehow I found it hard to believe that the whole town tolerated Lars, I mean 1-2 people or at least a scene with some people talking s*** about him behind his back would made it more believable.
And yeah i agree OP, Margo was kinda charming, can't believe she wasn't getting any, but instead had a crush on a nut..

Even with all this, I quite like the movie tbh, thought it was a solid 7.5 at least :)


Nope - the whole ambulance scene blew it for me. They would've gotten arrested for misuse of the 911 system for sure. But yes, Kelli Garner is flippin hot. Not in the classic beauty sense but yes, hard to cover up all that hotness.


It's possible that he was intimidated by her or that he couldn't imagine that she would even be interested in him. Happens all the time.
