MovieChat Forums > Lars and the Real Girl (2007) Discussion > I find it hard to believe they went alon...

I find it hard to believe they went along with it (minor spoilers)

Pretending the doll was real.


I agree. I thought it was dumb that the whole town was so supportive. I would've at least liked to see some scenes with people confronting him and making fun of him and asking what the hell is wrong with him. The scenes we got that were remotely like that were very passive and usually didn't involve him. And then they had a funeral service for her and a coffin and everything, not to mention the doctor bills and hospital costs and the 9-1-1 call that should've gotten him arrested. That's a lot of money to support a delusion of someone who is completely anti-social and creepy.


I do. Especially in a small town like that. I mean those in small town communities are known for being one huge family- since they all know each other. The town was his family, they knew telling him that Bianca wasn't real wouldn't solve anything, so they went along with it. I find it believable tbh.


I find it hard to believe that there are so many people who have SUCH a damn hard time suspending disbelief. CLEARLY this movie is set in a slightly heightened reality. A lot of movies need to have a bit of that slightly absurd or heightened reality for it to work out. That's just the way storytelling goes. I think is bull when people say "Well since this is clearly set in the real world and the Avengers isn't I just find it so hard to go along with the story...blah blah blah..." It really isn't that hard, use your imagination people. Its a story and not every story set in a relatively naturalistic world needs to be 100% accurate. Goodness gracious. Most stories thrive off of us being able to accept coincidences and slightly heightened character reactions/interactions. And honestly there are many different types of stories, some of them super realistic, some of them somewhat realistic, some of them not realistic at all. Its just storytelling.
