MovieChat Forums > Foundation (2021) Discussion > I like it despite it's many flaws

I like it despite it's many flaws

Just being honest, this overly woke series is well acted and has stunning special effects. It is a must see for any scifi fan, because it is better than anything else made recently.

And I understand that it is now mandatory that all evil characters be white males, and all likable characters must be female or black. I get it. This is 2021 after all, and those are the rules today. So I have no problem there. I accept reality.

And I will watch it, because there is little else available today in this genre. But I still feel there was an opportunity missed by writers and producers who were more concerned with being politically correct than they were in their craft.


See from my perspective it's not really woke, it's just reality that the west is extremely diverse now. The NY metro is probably as close to trantor as you can get and it's not white majority and hasn't been for years. If you made a show about a farm planet or something in the Empire then sure I guess it would make sense for it to be all white people on Solaria or whatever, but that's just not going to be the case on Trantor or the followers sent from there to Terminus. I think it's unfair to say it's all white people as villains, though, Hari Seldon is white and is definitely a hero and spoke truth to power right to Cleon Day's face -- ballsy af. Salvor's boyfriend Hugo is also heroic and protected innocents during the terminus fight and risked his life to save salvor when she went into her fugue state. IRL I've personally had brilliant mentors in workplace that were black and a doctor that saved me from sepsis that was from bangladesh. I've had great mentors and teachers and doctors that were white too. Being talented or brilliant or good/evil isn't reserved for any race, brah.


The word 'diversity' should be stricken from the English language forever.


Mighty1... look up the definition of "diversity." It doesn't mean "all villains must be white males, and all heroes must be minorities or women." When you skew things in one direction it isn't diverse. It is woke virtue signaling.


I'm loving it as a scifi show. It's a terrible adaption.
