Foundation: The 'unfilmable' sci-fi epic now on our screens
Right now, first two episodes.
shareI am about halfway through the first episode and it is so mundane. More about hoverers and faster than light special effects than any characters or a plot at this point. I don't expect much from this ... and besides, even as a kid, I understood the whole premise of psychohistory to be impossible.
You can predict the mass behavior of molecules in their gaseous state and characterize the temperature and pressure of a gas by an average velocity of the molecules, but gas molecules are not conscious, they are not sentient beings, they do not make decisions or do much but bump into each other. Asimov was a great writer, but this was one book that he wrote that I had no interest in to this very day.
But, I will give this series a watch and try to find something good about it.