Stop, Stop, stop!!

Can everyone please stop marauding this movie/?//

I am a college student doing media studies and sorry guys but you are all wrong about this movie.

First of all my teacher talked to us about different camera shots like long shots and panning and the trumpet shot (used for making someone look shocked).
..and they are all used in this movie!!

secondly this is meant to be a parody of other films!! Do you remember The Departed?? It was a parody of internal affairs, a Chinese movie that you probably wont know. This is just the same.. its not a copy of better films but it uses mis en scene to portray a film that is like them but ultimately better because there is more experience in it.

Thirdly and Fourthly THIS IS A COMEDY FILM PPL!! Mr Silverman says that comedy films can offten take liberties with direction and cinemtogrophy and this is normal.

I do also want to say that i think people give a 1 to this film befor they have eve


Mr Silverman is a failure


So hold up..
You learnt all of this stuff and you decide to come on to this movies thread to tell us to stop bagging it. How about you take your argument to a half decent movie's board where people are bagging that. You make no sense. For a student, you fail massively.

- Tell you what... the truth is, sometimes I miss you so much, I can hardly stand it...


So hold up..
You learnt all of this stuff and you decide to come on to this movies thread to tell us to stop bagging it. How about you take your argument to a half decent movie's board where people are bagging that. You make no sense. For a student, you fail massively.

- Tell you what... the truth is, sometimes I miss you so much, I can hardly stand it...


Where do you live? We're going to decide the U.S. How old are you? we're going to decide 21. What are you going to do? You're going to go apply for a license to own a firearm. Then what are you going to do? You're going to purchase anything in of the caliber .44 magnum. And what are you going to do after that? You are going to insert it, loaded with hollow points, into your mouth and blow your *beep* brains out.

I hated the media before you and I hate it even more now. If you're the type that is studying it it can only get worse.



hey ppl...
i know this movie sux....n i know this kid is defending it n u all hate tht...but could u be any nicer?!!!
go easy on him/her... its not him/her's fault!!
as for her/his teacher....dont get him into this...

SmS always and for ever *_*



Mr. Silverman raped me and killed my family. :(


Im totally getting you in trouble now. Mr Silverman works with the police so you better watch your step espn husvedt!!!



your 'siggy' is obviously very clever. I congratulate you on it.

Really, do you want a medal?

Get bent



Sure, the script made me gag, the acting was vile, and the humor may have been extremely dry and pointless, but good god, look at those camera angles!!!

Jesus Lol'd.


OH NOES! A rapist in the police? :O
Where is this world heading?! Please report Mr. Silverman for me, he should not be in the police!

Dinner mah boi.


How can people be wrong about a movie? Are you saying that the hatred people feel for this movie is somehow misguided? Well you have every right to your oppinion, but I'm going to take a page out of your book here and say that your oppinion is WRONG! Just because the film uses some fancy camera shots does not make it a masterwork. Also theirs a difference between parody and stupidity...this movie is the latter, all the jokes are a cheap laugh based on something Cribs or pissing...yeah thats REAL award winning writting there. Finally this film is NOT a comedy, Its a tragedy!



Mrs Doyle: What do you say to a cup of tea? :)
Jack: Feck off cup!


wow there is something wrong with you


Mr. Silverman has AIDS



People, people, please!! Enough of this maddness, don't you guys see whats happening, we have fallen into a classic internet forums trap. LiamKelly84 is not a film student nor was he born in 1984. He is really Adam Campbell, Friedberg and Seltzer's cabanna boy/slave of film medocrity. This was just some pathetic attempt at defending this god awful waste of film reel.

