MovieChat Forums > Epic Movie (2007) Discussion > What DID made you laugh?

What DID made you laugh?

come on, you're not impressing anyone by saying that nothing at all in this movie made you laugh, there had to be at least ONE thing that got a laugh out of you.

For me, it was the cribs scene with the scarface clips on screens everywhere, the toilet one and the one in the girl's head made me LOL


only the nacho libre spoof, when "jack black" goes "nachooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cheese flavored doritos are the best!"

and when "kanye" comes in the screen and says "the white bitch doesn't care about black people"


Not a *beep* thing. I even tried to laugh, but failed miserably. I honestly wish I had, even at the stupidest things. But I couldn't.

The cribs spoof was the dumbest thing in motion picture history, by the way.



I laughed a lot at the "Gnarnia" part :D "legal issues" that's all though, but still a nice moment :)

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


Okey, that dwarf jumping in the air when struck by a ilghtningrod was a taaad funny. Just a tad.


Funniest part was the Harry Potter segment, especially the accidental killing of the characters.

The Aslo-Albino fight was okay too, with the obvious stunt man.

You smell like beef and cheese, you don't smell like Santa.


'So lame, the hair of Tom'

Is love a fancy or a feeling?


Father, please forgive me, for I have sinned. I laughed at a part of Epic the Sam Jackson spoof of Snakes On a Plane (well, the first 2 times he said it anyway).

I believe you have my stapler


When that guy is screaming down the hill


The part w/Jack dying, when he waves his arms all of a sudden,
the flabby grandma arms thing (but actually it was the "monobrow, monobrow, king wants a monobrow" thing that made me laugh),
and the gag w/Hermione "he likes to get wasted and show off his Sorcerer's Stones", and then farts. My immature side always laughs at farts, and I actually thought that was a good joke about them being too old, and, it seemed, the ONLY one that they didn't overoveroveroveroveroveroveroveroverdo.

Don't forget your roots but also don't rot, just move on, move on, move one


Crispin Glover was hilarious. I almost pissed myself laughing.
And the Cribs scene was great, too.

"We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. . .”


What DID make me laugh is the phrase 'bingo wings,' which refers to the under-belly of an elderly woman's upper arms. However, this term was not the scriptwriters creation; therefore, this movie deserves no credit.

This movie is absolute garbage. If you would like more information concerning its stupidity, please read my previous posts.
