come on, you're not impressing anyone by saying that nothing at all in this movie made you laugh, there had to be at least ONE thing that got a laugh out of you.
For me, it was the cribs scene with the scarface clips on screens everywhere, the toilet one and the one in the girl's head made me LOL
White Behold my White Castle! (Shows White Castle restaurant) Edward: I feel like I've been there before
and when this happened:
(Jack Swallows id dieing) Jack Swallows: I'll kill you, you, you (Brushed back his hair) Jack Swallows: B!TCH!! (Pretends that he's dead) (Waves his arms in the air, then dies).
There is only ONE funny scene in this poopfest it goes like this ... :D
Samuel Jackson Look-Alike: I have had it with these goddamn snakes on this goddamn plane! Susan: Why do you keep saying that? Samuel Jackson Look-Alike: Because internet bloggers love when I say, "I have had it with these goddamn snakes on this goddamn plane!" Susan: Why are you yelling? Samuel Jackson Look-Alike: Shut up, bitch! I'm always yelling! I'm Samuel Goddamn Jackson! Susan: [Shocked] Bitch? ["Samuel Jackson" grabs Susan and throws her from the plane]
the only part i laughed at was when she goes down to fix her heal and the dude jumps into the snack machine and it wasnt even a comedic laugh it was a wow that was lame laugh
I thought the guy who played Harry Potter was walking to that one girl thinking he was invisible. lol and the Jack Sparrow when he dies lol. There were several parts taht made me laugh, like stupid funny. and some funny funny parts. haha
You're the weak one. And you'll never know love... or friendship... and I feel sorry for you