Howard Stern did this already.
What makes this story any better than Howard Stern's Private Parts?
Oh yeah, bigger budget.. bigger stars. Nice.
What makes this story any better than Howard Stern's Private Parts?
Oh yeah, bigger budget.. bigger stars. Nice.
Yes, but that was Howard Stern's story. This film is someone elses story, so peoplle can choose to see which one they may have an interest in, or both.
shareIt has nothing to do with Howard Stern, who came along YEARS LATER. Green wasn't a shock jock, he was a social commentator. What exactly did Howard Stern do to help the civil rights movement? Hire Robin?
shareWhat makes this story any better than Howard Stern's Private Parts?
Oh yeah, bigger budget.. bigger stars. Nice.
I like Mike Epps, thats how I stumbled upon this movie. However, I am addressing the Howard Stern Reference. I have tried to watch Howard's show on TV from time to time and just don't see the attraction. The whole schtick comes across as a B rated boob/slut radio show (Boobs on radio Hmmm??) with no real social impact other than pushing the FCC envelope for talking dirty over the airwaves. In his movie Private Parts, his attempt to display what a wonderful family man he is only reveals his bad acting.
Stay home and change diapers for a couple of years instead of gallivanting off in limousines to do your dirty radio shows, then I'll believe how devoted you are.
In the mean time continue to walk in Petey Greene's Shadow.
Easy-peasy. It's better written, captures the time better than any film I have seen in years (despite some of the anchronistic goofs) and this man Petey Green took more chances than a skinny qhite Jewish kid who would probably tell you the same thing. AND better ACTING than Private Parts. (which, for the record, I loved too.)
shareEasy-peasy. It's better written, captures the time better than any film I have seen in years (despite some of the anchronistic goofs) and this man Petey Green took more chances than a skinny white Jewish kid who would probably tell you the same thing. AND better ACTING than "Private Parts" (which, for the record, I loved too.)
sharePRIVATE PARTS was one of the worst movies I have ever had the misfortune of sitting through in the theater.... Shortly after it's release, I lost all interest in HOWARD's tired-ass schtick...
On the other hand....
TALK TO ME was well-written, well-directed and had good acting all around..... Of course, DON CHEADLE knocked his performance out of the park, but it was CHIWETEL EJIOFOR who stole the show. His performances in REDBELT, DIRTY PRETTY THINGS, INSIDE MAN, MELINDA & MELINDA and CHILDREN OF MEN have made him one of my current favorite actors....