MovieChat Forums > La misma luna (2008) Discussion > Want to see Illegals mistreated? Go to ...

Want to see Illegals mistreated? Go to Mexico

If you ever want to see how undocumented workers and immigrants, in general, are mistreated, go to Mexico. Go see how they treat migrants from Central America. Many Guatemalans can tell you stories of how they get abused, robbed, and raped by Mexican cops. Migrants in Mexico have no rights, no schooling, no free emdical care, etc. When the Mexican government cleans up its own act on migrant workers, then I will take their complaints about us more seriously.


Let me be the first to ask, Why the hell would anyone here be interested in watching mistreated immigrants? Because we're in the forum of this movie which is about a boy finding his mother? Okay. Highly irrelevant, sorry.


I'm also from Mexico(Torreon) and I agree with the original poster and disagree with the other national Mexicans trying to sugarcoat this issue. Many Guatemalans and Central and South Americans are brutalized, abused and have their human rights violated by the Mexcian military and authorities. But it all stems to the fact that these are the poorest of the poor(both the southern Mexican authorities and the illegals) and nobody really cares and it goes ignored.

Both of the Guatemalans and Southern Mexicans(Oaxaca, Chiapas)are mostly natives, and even though they look alike and share things culturally they still get harrased if caught. I have not seen this 1st hand in the south since I'm from the north, but what I have seen in the north(Torreon, Monterrey) is workers(mainly construction) that are suspected of being illegal are forced to sing the Mexican national anthem or cielito lindo or a Luis Miguel Song(seriously) and if they fail, or have a different accent they are deported back south, mostly in horrible conditions. They also do this at military checkpoints all over Mexican highways to buses, and I have personally witnessed traveling on a bus people being taken of the bus when they dont have ID and can't pass the cielito lindo test. They target the southern native looking people and always profile. I have never even been asked to show ID. Becasue of these "tests" all illegals in Mexico now know all these songs and work on their accents to sound more Mexican.

The way they are treated is sometimes inhumane and incomparable to the way they are treated in the USA. I have had an illegal Guatemalan tell me this 1st hand here in San Antonio. They are terrified of Mexican authorities, specially the military, which in Mexico is mainly poor, uneducated southern natives. To quote this one person(translated), "At least the gringos give us a taco and treat us like humans with some compassion, with the Mexcians you never know, but it's never good and very scary." The Mexican government is very hypocritical when it comes to these issues. On the other hand though, folks like Lou Dobbs do hype and exagerate the stories with his loaded poll questions and even wrong statistics, like the teberculosis and leprasy #'s. However, on his claim about the Mexican government being hypocrites on this issue, he is 1000% correct.

Here's an old song and perfect example of the facts I'm speaking of by "Los tigres del norte" called "3 veces mojado"(three times a wetback) about a wetback from El Salvador trying to make it to the USA.. Check out the images of the video, very obvious. In the lyrics it even says these things at 50 seconds(translated),

They say I'm 3 times a wetback, in Guatemala and Mexico when I crossed,
I was saved twice when they tried to make me a prisoner,
The same language and skin, I reflected
How is it possible they call me a foreigner

And later at minute 1.32

A Mexican takes 2 steps and he's in the USA,
Today they deport him and tomorrow he's back in the USA
That is a luxury I can't give myself,
Without them killing me or taking me prisoner!
Mexico is beautiful, but oh how I suffered.
crossing it without papers is very hard
the 5000 kilometers I crossed, I can say I remember one by one

Those lyrics are all you need to know about this subject. Los Tigres don't bs and always speak the truth with their lyrics, whether you like that kind of music or not.

One last point I would like to mention is that yes, the Mexcian government is corrupt and hypocritical and along with most wealthy Mexicans, the biggest enemy to Mexican economic prosperity and equality. But I would like to mention that there is no bigger hypocrit that those so called "patriot" minute men and similar attitudes that all claim to be "Christians" but never act as Jesus would.

These are mostly decent, very desperate human beings facing the deaths of their own children through poverty through no fault of their own, and you live in prosperity and can't share and help your human brothers and sisters and neighbors to the south, even though your own ancestors came on boats from different continents, many for similar reasons. Jesus would be ashamed of you and you would surely not make the list, no matter how you try to convince yourselves otherwise. Remember your own American saying, "what would Jesus do?". Im sure Jesus would deport them and let their children die of malaria or cholera. What a sad excuse for chrisitans you corrupt "patriots" are. You assure this has nothing to do with race, language and culture, but I think most of you "patriots" are racist, biggoted trash and your full of caca. rant over.

You're not finished when you lose, you're only finished when you quit.



Being from Central Mexico, and having been born to a middle class family, I've never witnessed abuse either to mexican immigrants in USA (I don't have a reason to try to go live there) nor to south americans in Mexico (which is something that happens mostly in the south).

Still, isn't there a logical fallacy about two wrongs not making a right?

The people who migrate illegally to USA is not the same people who abuse the south american immigrants, so why should they pay for it?

I agree that people shouldn't really be entering another country ignoring migration laws, but then again, I don't know how it is to live in poverty and think you don't have other option. We should not be so quick to judge.
