MovieChat Forums > Jack Reacher (2012) Discussion > Rosamund Pike was terrible in this or ju...

Rosamund Pike was terrible in this or just me?

I've never seen a movie with her but I thought her performance in Jack Reacher stood out, and by that i mean it was terrible. Massive overacting on her part, all her reactions looked fake and it seemed like she didn't know whether to play this role for real or comedy (overdramatization of lines).

Anyone with similar impressions?



I thought her performance in Gone Girl was good because she made me hate her character more than any other female role I've ever seen.

Haters gonna hate


She's absolutely terrible, and she has a severe case of crazy eyes. Her over-acting and melodramatic take on every line is grating.

Agreed - we actually laughed out loud at her bug-eyed, bad acting. Has she ever been good in anything?


Yes she has in my personal opinion. She is great in An Education, Made in Dagenham, Barney's Version, Pride and Prejudice, Wives and Daughters and The Libertine, and was brilliant in Gone Girl, which is by far and large her best performance. She is also good in Fugitive Pieces, The Big Year, What We Did on Our Holiday and Surrogates (by all means not an opinion everyone will share), and, while it was a very different interpretation to Glenda Jackson's, in Women in Love. She too saved Return to Sender and The Devil You Know from being unwatchable, and while Die Another Day had a lot of significant problems she is one of the best things about it. Have not seen Hector and the Search for Happiness or The World's End yet, but plan to.

I think she is an actress who has done more good than she has bad and is much better generally than she is given credit for, she just deserve bigger roles and much better material generally. I agree that she is not good at all in this or films like Doom (remember her not being particularly great in Wrath of the Titans or in that Trial and Retribution episode she had a quite small role in very early on her career, which are her two worst performances, and not registering much in A Long Way Down), but she was disadvantaged by the characters being very poorly written, having next to nothing to do and any material she was given was well below par (the same can be said for her role in Fracture, though she does do better in that). Any actress, if they had that character or material, in all honesty would have struggled to bring any believability to them. Anybody who is judging her acting on solely this or Doom, like a few people on this thread and on a thread on her board have, are I feel judging her and her acting unfairly. And as much as this sounds, I am not being biased at all, at least I have acknowledged she has done some bad stuff.

You or anybody else can disagree with me if you want, I just felt compelled to reply and tell it how I see it.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeline Kahn(CLUE, 1985)


Great dirty pillows though.


Everyone was staring at her body.

People said love was blind, but what they meant was that love blinded them.


Her performance was totally generic and uninspiring, which is more than you can say about this godawful movie.


ya lame and boring acting. at least in this



She has made 2 good movies
this and Gone Girl

" We get the world we deserve "


I agree. Seems like she was out of her league in this one. She was great in Gone Girl, though.


She's told how to act by the director-blame him or possibly Cruise as an executive producer but the role was a very clichéd one to say the least.

"What is an Oprah?"-Teal'c.


Rosamund Pike was terrible in this or just me?

I don't know - what role did you play? [grin]

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.


I agree that she is not very good at all in this. In fact it is one of her worst performances (along with Doom, and there were far bigger problems with that film than Rosamund Pike) and she is one of this film's biggest flaws. I just felt compelled to say though that, in my opinion, people shouldn't judge her solely on this. People have done, here and on her message board, and it really isn't fair on her.

She actually has done a lot of good to great performances in good to great films (especially Gone Girl) and has been redeeming merits of some mediocre/ bad (Return to Sender or The Devil You Know) or heavily problematic (Die Another Day) ones. She was not good in Doom or the Trial and Retribution episode she appeared in in her early career and could do little with her very underwritten role in A Long Way Down (remember her not being great in Wrath of the Titans, but again that film had far bigger problems than her), so no this is not intended to sound biased.

Plus while her performance is stiff and a mix of melodramatic and phoned in here, in all honesty the character was very poorly written, being underwritten and like the writers couldn't decide what personality to give her, and so was the limited (and pretty bad) material she was given to the point of wasting her. If the character and dialogue that was given for Pike was the same for any other actress, even the best of them, even they would have struggled to bring believability to them, guaranteed.

Just my opinion though, you don't have to agree.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeline Kahn(CLUE, 1985)


I thought Rosamund Pike's performance in "Doom" was outstanding.

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.
