He was terribly unfunny in this movie and actually he has not been very funny for a long time
Say what?!? Carrey straight-up stole the show in this movie--his character,the borderline psycho street magician Steve Gray, is both dangerously crazy/edgy as hell, and hilarious in WONDERSTONE,which turned out to be actually be pretty good,BTW---it showed itself to actually have a heart beyond the lowbrow (and actually clever for a good chunk of the time) humor. (And,yeah, Carrey had a surprisingly banging bod,too,in this film.)I have to admit, I'm surprised this film really wasn't promoted that well considering how hot at the box office Steve Carell still is. Liked Alan Arkin as the old-school magician, but then, he's always been good in just about anything I've seen him in--he was kind of funny too. The film turned out to be a little more entertaining than I thought it would be, and also lots of fun. Both Carell and Buscemi were funny as heck at times, and I actually laughed more than a couple of times myself. Worth checking out if you like crazy comedies about magicians and their issues.