Jim Carrey Lookin Good!

This man is is 51 years old.


He has a shirtless scene in one of the previews. DAMN is he hot! How the F does that happen? He's aging like a champ.

Where is this thread? Why is no one accusing him of witchcraft. This is ridiculous. I should not be attracted to a 51 year old's body.


I was floored at how RIPPED he got. He threw himself 100% into character and the result is jaw dropping! (nearly fell out of my chair when he took the Vera de Milo stance but this time with a buff bod!)


Thought he looked great as well, didn't know he was 51 though.


I'm amazed at how many movies stars look that good well into their fifties. Real people in their fifties don't look that good. It must have something to do with happiness.

And genes.

And talent.

And money.


ummm, no...it's called eating right and exercising. My dad is 63 and can run circles around many 30 year olds. Most people in their 50's are just lazy and don't exert any physical energy because they're settled in the ways and are not motivated to really take care of themselves. There's no fountain of youth, but if you take care of yourself, you can age rather gracefully.


Yeah, and something about being in the public eye and constant scrutiny is also a major motivator in getting and staying in shape. But they also have access to many ways of keeping young and healthy, like personal gurus and expensive treatments, not to mention make-up and hair people who always make them look great. All of that requires money and ambition on top of good genes and a whole lotta luck. By comparison, normal people just don't have that much going for them.

Maybe I'm just speaking for myself.


its not all laziness.

being and actor or having alot of money buys you free time and access to equipment.
and actor especially. they have the time and money and means to work out and stay fit. they dont have to work 10 hours and commute 2 hours and then take care of the kids and the housework and yard work like most people do. they pay someone to take care of allthat and have lots of free time to stay in shape.
so not a total excuse, but its a lot easier to stay looking good when you have money and time. and money buys you time.
genes also to a certain extent.

plastic surgery isnt the answer, that is what the lazy rich people do. they think surgery and pills can fix inactivity and abuse. it cant. natural almost always looks better than fake.


This...all good points.


Maybe the fact that his terrible acting killed his career, and even managed to sink a film with the actually talented Carrell and Buscemi, makes his Carrey's looks seem noticeable?


HaHa are you saying that his looks are all he has going for him? lol

personally I don't mind his acting.

but I'm glad you got back on topic. He lookin' good


You did notice most of the reviews (either negative or positive) stated that this is Carrey at his comedic best, right? And he steals every scene by being as electrifying as he was in his most loved movies. Carrell, who I love, is the one being slaughtered. I didn't agree btw, they both were great.


Carreys career is dead? huh, I hadnt noticed, maybe i was too busy laughing my ass off watching his films!

Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken


It ain't dead but it's seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. He makes stinkers these days.


Paint on Ab's.



im surprised that anyone would say jim carey is a terrible actor

he proved he has dramatic acting talents many times (man in the moon, truman show, spottless mind) on top of his hilarious comedic acting. He does a lot of unique physical comedy that many people cant emulate even with practice.


totally agree with you stealth22, it is all in how you take care of yourself!!I constantly am being told that I look way younger than what I really am, and I go to the gym almost everyday and I can also run circles around most of the 20 year olds. Jim Carrey is very much looking good in this movie........


Saying 'Ummm. no..' like its all cut and dried is wrong. Ok, eating properly and exercise is very good but if you don't have the correct lineage of genes-nothing much will make you look good or be healthy.


Mostly a personal trainer and a staff cooking diet food.

I don't know why 50 years old need to look that good now to get a part in a movie, just a sad sad Hollywood.


Jim mentioned how hard he had to work inorder to stay in shape to wear The Riddler costume. Maybe he fell back to that same routine and diet inorder to prep for this part.

I haven't seen this movie but with Olivia Wilde it seems intersting. I guess she will only be a side show which is slightly unfortunate. Maybe we will see more of her. Atleast she has a promenent part though I'm happy for her.


I'm surprised how many of you think this all about lifestyle. CG anyone? 300 anyone?

I'm not saying it is CG, but never discount the possibility.

There is no Justice, there is only me....


And professional make up, and plastic surgery, and lighting.


I agree. I thought he was hot in this too! Although I've always had a crush on him lol

Fled is that music: - Do I wake or sleep?


let's stop using the word "ripped". he has always been in good shape, but he doesn't look that much better in this film than any other role he's done. and he's not that ripped in this role either. ripped means 6 pack abs, cut, very defined muscles, very low body fat. he's in good shape, yes. but not quite ripped.


He's totally ripped for a 51 year old Jim Carrey. Have you ever seen one of those look more ripped?
It's all relative.


have you ever seen a P90X infomercial? THAT'S ripped


Not ripped, but he definitely put on some muscle. He's always been in good shape, and pretty skinny but it was pretty obvious that he has bulked up a bit - looks much better imo.


I actually thought his arms were looking skinny as hell in this movie. But maybe that's because I lift.



He was terribly unfunny in this movie and actually he has not been very funny for a long time. He used to be one of the funniest comedic actors but for some reason he has lost it.



He was terribly unfunny in this movie and actually he has not been very funny for a long time

Say what?!? Carrey straight-up stole the show in this movie--his character,the borderline psycho street magician Steve Gray, is both dangerously crazy/edgy as hell, and hilarious in WONDERSTONE,which turned out to be actually be pretty good,BTW---it showed itself to actually have a heart beyond the lowbrow (and actually clever for a good chunk of the time) humor. (And,yeah, Carrey had a surprisingly banging bod,too,in this film.)I have to admit, I'm surprised this film really wasn't promoted that well considering how hot at the box office Steve Carell still is. Liked Alan Arkin as the old-school magician, but then, he's always been good in just about anything I've seen him in--he was kind of funny too. The film turned out to be a little more entertaining than I thought it would be, and also lots of fun. Both Carell and Buscemi were funny as heck at times, and I actually laughed more than a couple of times myself. Worth checking out if you like crazy comedies about magicians and their issues.


probably a combination of testosterone injection, protein milkshake, and working out.


I know! I didn't even recognize him till my mom pointed it out, and I was like "Damn!". It's so funny how he's playing Mr. Badass Magician in the film too.


I was actually rather surprised that Jim Carrey aged rather well.


He was looking a little old in Yes Man, now suddenly he looks young again. His greatest trick of all.


My wife and I thought the same thing but if u watch the scene closly, its spray painted on.. im not trolling or joking u can see the spray paint used to make the abs and help define muscle tone.


I looked for this. I didn't see it. There's one scene where shadow lines from some ropes or chains hit his abdomen that might be interpreted this way, but other than that, he just looked like he was in good shape.
