This movie is good.

I had followed The Wolfman from when Benicio was cast (2006) up until the film was released (Feb. 2010). When seeing the film I was more than aware of its production troubles and whatnot, having been/being an active reader of film news and blogs. I saw this movie on a Valentine's Day date. And I supremely enjoyed it. And now rewatching it, I find it still holds up. I can understand why someone might not like it -- might not be their kinda movie -- but I definitely don't understand why it's so heavily maligned. The movie is good! Average at worst. It's definitely not a Troll 2 scenario.

Just sayin. The movie isn't so bad. In fact, I kind of love it.



I'm a fan of werewolf movies and this one confused me. He kills his wife for fun since his wolf wasn't threatened. But he kills his son because his wolf is jealous. So he can control his kills, that does take some of the fun out of the movie. The story seem more complicated than it needed to be. Why involve the dad at all.
Next, the wolf kills seemed unrealistic, but I haven't been chased by a werewolf, just an opinion. The wolf had to break the sound barrier when he hunted (the father).
I did like the transformations, and hope the reboot (WiKi) follows the same design. The soundtrack was also chilling.
The original is scary good because less was more. This movie put the trauma in your face. The original weaved a story of horror and compassion.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world



I see your point. I may have been reading more into the portrayal of control because of other stories I have read about the wolf and desire. But Sir John did say he didn't want Ben and his fiancée to leave. The man used the power of the wolf to get what he wants?
I also wonder if the power of the wolf seduced him to let go of his humanity, gave him the opportunity, or revealed what was lurking all the time.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world



The original wasn't really good, tbh. It had a wonderful atmosphere and soundtrack, but the plot and actors were kind of off.


I always try and watch the old Universal monster movies. The cinematography and soundtracks do go along way in providing a good strory. But we disagree on the plot and the actors, it's my fave.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


It had been mine as well as a kid, but a lot of things about the original are pretty dated and, in some parts at least, eyebrow-raising.


Yes it is dated, and the eyebrow raising is part of its charm to me. I don't hold this movie to current standards. But there are movies that I do.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


I'm not basing it on current standards, I'm comparing it to other movies of the time. Compared to some of those, Val Lewton films included (which oddly the film kind of tried to be), it failed in parts. I kind of wished they had went with the original screenplay and didn't have Lon Chaney Jr. Every time I see him address Claude Rains as "dad" I always burst out laughing - the mom must be enormous!


Understood. There was enough in the story for me to be frightened when I first saw it, and for it to keep its mystery today.

Don't wake up giving yourself a pass. Challenge yourself to be better



I thought it was crap.


I was very caught off guard by how much I liked this movie. I just watched it yesterday and watched again today and liked it even better the second time around. Great cast, good story. Not as great as the Lon Chaney version but it is great to watch on a stormy night when there is nothing on television. Thank goodness for Netflix.


Why? What made it crap?


This movie really isn't that good. It makes me laugh my ass off. That's not really a good sign for a horror movie. Not to mention every victim of the Wolfman is portrayed as a really stupid person.

Green Goblin is great!


Well i mean do you think a movie called "The Wolfman" is going to be really scary? lol Have you seen the original its corny as hell but thats part of the charm of it.


Do you think Benicio Del Toro was properly cast as Larry Talbot? I had trouble accepting him as an English aristocrat. He simply looks too much like a Mexican (no judgment implied -- he's a fine actor IMO). I liked how this film held with the original in showing the change. No turning into a giant wolf as in most werewolf movies these days. Rather, he became a true "wolfman" with both human and wolf characteristics -- just like the original movie.


Benecio was as miscast as Lon Chaney JR was for the role. The reason why he took the part was because he was a fan of the character. That, plus the fact that he looks like Lon Chaney JR himself (they both have that sullen hound dog-look).


Guess you weren't paying attention to the story about his mother and being sent to America. Eh?


Details, details...


I thought they cast him because he has dark hair and features.. Wasn't his mother supposed to be a gypsy? When i think "gypsy" I think romanians and they have black hair and darker features


Del Toro isn't Mexican.



The Lon Chaney JR version wasn't that good to begin with.


I really have nothing to add other than, I liked it also. I watch it every time it's on TV. I love these type of movies.
