American Cheese
I wonder if there are other people out there who hate this phony, big budget Hollywood crap as much as I do. How can anyone accept Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe as anyone else besides; Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe? Modern Hollywood continues to churn out this generic crap, year after year, and people continue to eat it up. It is funny though, when Hollywood tries to be cutting edge, or shocking or disturbing, and comes up with such generic whitebread entertainment. Personally, if I want to see a gangster or crime film set in the 1970's, I will seek out a gangster/crime film that was...made in the 70's. That was when American cinema was still great, before all the Oscar politics overshadowed the actual product. Instead of wasting your time with this disposable tripe, why not check out the real thing; films like "Black Caesar," "Hell Up In Harlem," or "Trick Baby." These movies are iconic, and they all possess an authenticity that movies like "American Gangster" try so desperately hard to achieve. I know many will disagree, as this is a popular movie but, I truly hate this kind of stagey, phony style of film making and I'm wondering if anyone else sees what I'm talking about.
Fabio Testi is GOD