The worse movie I have ever seen

I hated this movie for many reasons
one being that they say that Christians are homophobes that hate homosexuals(Which is actually not true for you retards out there), which offended me a lot
and two being that the humor was horrid and wasted Adam Sandler's talent
sure it looks as if just two points aren't enough to be the worse movie I've ever seen but the second point is crucial in a COMEDY film. I sat through the whole movie not laughing once. The way they made the villains Christians made me sick to the stomach, it was nothing like what Christians are and it would give a whole lot of people a different idea on what a Christian is. I didn't watch this in theaters, I bought it in dvd and I want to sell it, throw it away or just get it away from me. This movie is actually worse than dragon wars, and the only reason I gave it two stars is because of Adam Sandler but that's all.


Hyperbolic much? They never said all Christians were homophobes. They never said all non-Christians were pro-gay. Either would be wrong. However, as a Christian I know and have seen many other Christians holding anti-gay and homophobic signs and espousing homophobic views everywhere. There are plenty of religious people (I find it is the people who talk about their religion most or refer to their faith most) who hate gays and every other group of people not like them. So much for letting God judge eh?
Anyway, I wouldn't let that ruin a movie for you. And to say Christians or any other entire group of people aren't like this or that is a blanket statement and is false. All men are capable of hate, all capable of love; all capable of right and wrong, just to different degrees and for different reasons and with different outcomes.
You can give it to me if you'd like. I enjoyed it very much!

Do not be a victim Do not be a perpetrator,above all, Do not be a bystander


No the worst movie you ever saw is a uwe boll movie. 99% of people hate his movies
