First off, I am not gay although I am a gay rights activist. I can't stand hearing people bash someone over their sexuality when most of the time they don't even bother to try and get to know the person and men who admit they are gay are automatically labeled as "girly" when some of them act the same as heterosexual men do. A few years ago, they did an autopsy on several people who were gay and several people who were straight. What they found was that the gay people had this chemical imbalance that the straight people didn't have which is believed to be the reason why they are attracted to the same sex rather than the opposite sex and proving that it's not a choice. Why would anyone want to go through life getting judged badly about their sexuality if there was a way to control it? Use to, people would get arrested for being gay, so why would they take that chance if they could just stop liking the same sex? I really hate how people don't take the time to learn about this stuff before judging it. A person's sexuality doesn't have anything to do with the way they run a business, the way they fight in a war, the way they drive a car, or anything else that heterosexuals do to.

Proud Leo fan since 1993



I completely believe that being gay isn't a choice. Like you said, why would someone choose to be gay when they get abused daily. I find anyone who oppose gay marriage to be hypocrites. They claim that gay's are forcing their homosexuality onto them yet they are forcing their beliefs onto them. I've asked a few people against gay marriage why they are against it, how it personally affects them and they all they say is its against the bible. Not much of an argument




I've asked a few people against gay marriage why they are against it, how it personally affects them and they all they say is its against the bible.

This argument has always really annoyed me because nowhere in the bible does it ever actually state that homosexuality is a sin. I don't have a problem with religion but when people use it to spread hate when the actual message is to spread love then I get pissed off.

Being gay is not a choice and I fully stand up for gay rights.


I know this is an old post, but the movie is on right now so I checked out the board. I am not a Christian, however... I do believe you are (respectfully) incorrect in regards to the bible as far as homosexuality is concerned:

"Leviticus 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."

"Call me Winston."


Tell this to closet gays.



Girls can choose to be gay..


^ Bless this post! It's perfection!


Did you just reference your own post and claim it to be perfect?


No, I was referencing someone else's post.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TRASH!


Did you literally come here from the other board to hurl more insults at me? Wow. That's pathetic.



I don't know ( and don't care) what rock u are living under, the reason many people have issues towards gay and lesbians is because they're never happy, because their different, the whole world owes them, the supreme court recently ruled they can have their gay marriage, and u know what? That still won't be enough, they'll want more, u give them an inch, they'll want a mile, it's never good enough


"their gay marriage, and u know what? That still won't be enough, they'll want more, u give them an inch, they'll want a mile, it's never good enough"



Why would anyone want to go through life getting judged badly about their sexuality if there was a way to control it?

Why would any man in the early 1960s choose to grow his hair down past his shoulders? Why would any kid in the 1970s get a mohawk and dress up in punk rock leather? Why would anyone today get a tattoo on his face? Why does anyone choose to risk arrest and have sex in public? Why do some straight guys hit the town dressed in drag? All of these choices greatly enhance the likelihood of receiving verbal and physical abuse from the herd. People have all sorts of perversions and odd tastes that cannot be explained as the destiny of genetics.

